Hey, i need your help guys. Do you have any lecture notes, tutorial questions/solutions etc... for ACST300, ACST354, ACST356? If you do could you please send them to me at jake2.321@gmail.com .
um..i got them somewhere i'll c if i got any on disk so i cant put them up.
but u get them anyways theres no more of that $100 textbook stuff like in 255 if thats wat ur warried about. they canned it cause they thought the acted noted sucked.
also 300 they'll give u notes at the start of semester and really ur exected to just read it. 1/2 the lectures are like officially optional. Also 300 is really up to date so old lecture notes are not too useful its generally about current finacial intitution system and practices i rem in my yr we had lecture material change after the lecture cause of policy changes law changes etc etc
Thanks dude i'd appreciate anything you could send.
Lol nah i'm not worried about buying textbooks and all, its just that i've had a shitty year in terms of results so i'd thought i could do better by getting a bit ahead in the holidays.