Any help? (1 Viewer)

May 6, 2024
Hey! I just started yr 11 maths extension, I feel like I am just doing the questions and not understanding the topic, whenever a teacher or a classmate is asking me a question I feel like I will get it wrong and start panicking, I would love to get confident in maths and get well!! (Become an academic weapon and become better then the top student lololol) Any advice as to how to catch up on work (I am still not understanding functions and my distance Ed is in trig lololol) and how to schedule study would be so appreciated!! I wand to get a 90% on my trials!!!!


Jul 20, 2023
Hey there,

I understand where you're coming from. For a majority of my year 11, I wasn't confident and felt unable to explain concept and question when asked. Currently, in year 12, I feel more confident and able to explain questions quickly and easier. This confidence shifted to Maths Extension 2 when I moved from year 11 to 12.

I think the only difference I made was to commit more time to Maths. I suggest that you try to power through content that'll be covered in class as soon as possible (preferably before week 3 or 4). As soon as you're done covering all content (such as completing as much questions from your textbook [at least do the last hard questions]), you start going through HSC papers for practice questions. HSC papers have syllabus dot points attached to each question so look for those with Yr11 - MX. I guess another tip to be more confident in Maths Extension 1 is to also complete all your Maths Advanced work waaay before it needs to be which will allow to gain more time to spend on harder topics. Also you should make a progress tracker for each chapter/topic, tracking days and confidence with certain topics. I hope this helps.

If you don't mind, could I ask what you do or how you currently study for Maths Extension 1?
May 6, 2024
Hey there,

I understand where you're coming from. For a majority of my year 11, I wasn't confident and felt unable to explain concept and question when asked. Currently, in year 12, I feel more confident and able to explain questions quickly and easier. This confidence shifted to Maths Extension 2 when I moved from year 11 to 12.

I think the only difference I made was to commit more time to Maths. I suggest that you try to power through content that'll be covered in class as soon as possible (preferably before week 3 or 4). As soon as you're done covering all content (such as completing as much questions from your textbook [at least do the last hard questions]), you start going through HSC papers for practice questions. HSC papers have syllabus dot points attached to each question so look for those with Yr11 - MX. I guess another tip to be more confident in Maths Extension 1 is to also complete all your Maths Advanced work waaay before it needs to be which will allow to gain more time to spend on harder topics. Also you should make a progress tracker for each chapter/topic, tracking days and confidence with certain topics. I hope this helps.

If you don't mind, could I ask what you do or how you currently study for Maths Extension 1?
Hey thanks a lot! My studying style is horrible rn, I was struggling rlly bad with my mental health last term (not only due to school but other issues too) so it was really hard for me to do any work so I just ended up doing the assignments we get each week (distance ed) which were just 12 questions from few chapters for all of term one. In the holidays I realised how behind I was and started cramming all of chapter one and 2 (Cambridge) which in turn made me feel like I didn’t understand anything and now I don’t know what to do… Any scheduling tips such as how much time to dedicate to maths a week and stuff because I also feel like I am dedicating too much time for maths… I am not naturally gifted/I am dumb so it is harder/takes more time for me to understand something…sorry if this is too long but help would be appreciated greatly!! : )
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Jul 20, 2023
Hey just want to address a few things:

- You need to believe that you can do this. No one is intrinsically stupid or dumb. We can be lazy which may result in results we don't wish for. However you are looking for help since you've realised something you don't like, thus making you not lazy and quite smart, since not everyone will look for help. I believe in you, I know you will do the very best. If no one else says this to you, I will: I believe in you. No one was there for me when I didn't believe in myself but once you believe in yourself, confidence and good results will come.

- Regarding how much time you need to set aside for extension 1 in order to not feel burnt out or underprepared: I would suggest not making time spent studying a goal. You should have a goal where you decide what things need to accomplished by (a particular chapter/revision notes/practice paper/topic focused questions). Additionally, time should limit how long you do a task. Take as long as you need to to finish it. Just make sure that you spend your time without distractions (without lyrical music, bright flashing lights, etc.). If your workspace is really noisy, pink noise will help since it almost blocks out everything (it works for me and I have a short attention span). I spend about 4 days doing maths advanced, 5 days doing extension and 6 days doing extension 2 (since I take that unit). I suggest a blend where you do one day where you finish all advanced content for the term so you can focus more on extension 1. If you'd like more info on this, just dm me.

- Homework may be called homework but it doesn't need to be done at home. Recess and Lunch as well as class time (during Maths, you don't want to maths in chem for example) are excellent times to begin on homework and assignments. I find it easier to get work done at home when I do a little bit in school during the assigned class, even a little bit of planning goes a long way. If you need more info, just dm me.

I think I've covered everything. If you need some resources, I'm happy to send some your way. :)
May 6, 2024
Hey just want to address a few things:

- You need to believe that you can do this. No one is intrinsically stupid or dumb. We can be lazy which may result in results we don't wish for. However you are looking for help since you've realised something you don't like, thus making you not lazy and quite smart, since not everyone will look for help. I believe in you, I know you will do the very best. If no one else says this to you, I will: I believe in you. No one was there for me when I didn't believe in myself but once you believe in yourself, confidence and good results will come.

- Regarding how much time you need to set aside for extension 1 in order to not feel burnt out or underprepared: I would suggest not making time spent studying a goal. You should have a goal where you decide what things need to accomplished by (a particular chapter/revision notes/practice paper/topic focused questions). Additionally, time should limit how long you do a task. Take as long as you need to to finish it. Just make sure that you spend your time without distractions (without lyrical music, bright flashing lights, etc.). If your workspace is really noisy, pink noise will help since it almost blocks out everything (it works for me and I have a short attention span). I spend about 4 days doing maths advanced, 5 days doing extension and 6 days doing extension 2 (since I take that unit). I suggest a blend where you do one day where you finish all advanced content for the term so you can focus more on extension 1. If you'd like more info on this, just dm me.

- Homework may be called homework but it doesn't need to be done at home. Recess and Lunch as well as class time (during Maths, you don't want to maths in chem for example) are excellent times to begin on homework and assignments. I find it easier to get work done at home when I do a little bit in school during the assigned class, even a little bit of planning goes a long way. If you need more info, just dm me.

I think I've covered everything. If you need some resources, I'm happy to send some your way. :)
Thank you so much!! : D your help is greatly appreciated <3

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