omg tonight my last customer was such a fucking old scrag. i didn't even have to serve her, i was abt to put my closed sign up and she hadn't started unloading or anything so i basically said 'yeah, it's ok, put it through' out of the goodness of my heart cuz to be honest i would've rather gone home.
anyway she decides to buy about 50 kilos of cat food because, you know, being such a scraggy old hobag she's all alone with only her cats for company. so i decide to line up the different brands together and put it thru as quantities cuz, you know, easier than scanning them all individually. anyway one of the brands came through as 65c/can and she starts going off saying i'm trying to rip her off and it's 55c/can. i was like, oh? i wouldn't know, i can have it checked for you but generally if it scans as one price that's how much it costs. so i call over to the service desk for help but at this same time there's some cheap bitch trying to shoplift half the store plus a line of abt 10 people for cigarettes so obviously they're busy and it's going to take a while. i tell her this and apologise and suggest that maybe she could walk over and check and if it says 55c then i'll delete them and put them thru as a category at 55c. of course your fucking highness is above making the 5m walk back to the catfood to check because "it's not my problem". YOU'RE THE ONE CHUCKING A PSYCHO BECAUSE YOU THINK I'VE OVERCHARGED YOU APPROX $1.50! i was finished by this point! i should've started my spotbalance right as you came over with your fucking trolley! so anyway carina comes over with the price scanner and checks the price. then your majesty starts going off about how i miscanned it and wasn't paying attention and she wasn't going to pay for her order because i misscanned it. for the record this is untrue. i scanned everything fine. i was paying MORE attention than usual because i didn't want any trouble cuz, you know, it was fucking time for me to go home pretty much when she came over. so then i have to take everything out of the bag, browse down the screen til i find the fucking cat food and count all the tins out for her. as she was leaving she then goes "it's not my fault you're leaving late". FUCK OFF AND DIE YOU STUPID WHORE.
i'm getting paid overtime for this but thats not the point. according to my sup shes a total fucking nightmare every time she comes in.