Associate Degree in Policing is taught at Charles Sturt University Goulburn and whilst you are studying to become a police officer, you are considered a student and will not be payed any salary until you finished the course, NSW is the only state where students pay their way into the course and other medical expenses to be deemed suitable to become police officers, generally by the time you finished all their paparworks and medical forms to be deemed suitable for entry into the course, you would have at least spent $1300 out of your pocket. You can apply the Police scholarship which assist you by giving $100 a week for accommodation and food expenses.
from what I hear is that they are not accepting anymore more applications for the start of 2013, I heard them saying that they maybe opening back the applications during August and recruiting intakes will be very small due to budget constraints and a majority of the factor is from the O Farrell Government's cost saving policies like cancelling this year's intakes and the NSW Police disability scheme.
Hope that is all the information you need.