sounds pretty right, although its twisted abit. Yeah some sick people out there might kill animals, the thing is, kangaroos are seen as pests in parts of rural australia. There numbers are massive, and killing a few baby roos is only going to be a good thing for their population [even though someone killing them in that way is probably doing it for some sick pleasure]
The racism calls are pretty right aswell. Australia has some serious problems with racism right now, but its a bit rich coming from japan who has had massacres based on race in the past, racial tension that continues today because they refuse to acknowledge those problems.
Cronulla was also a bit of a joke when it comes to riots really though. 5000 people? 8 injured?... thats a riot? i call that friday night. Try the french race riots last year, or the massive one that happened about a month before Cronulla that shut the country down with thousands of burnt out cars, 20 000 police deployed etc etc. What about the L.A riots? now those are real news worthy riots, not the crowd of bogans who wanted to drink beer on the beach and a handful of white supremacists who wanted to push their own agenda by bashing a few people.
So basically some sick fucks like to kill fluffy animals, these people exist everywhere, not just Australia. Australia has some racial tension yes, but so does every other country and at least we haven't had any large scale massacres. Cronulla wasnt a riot and it wasn't really racially based, it was civil disobedience against thuggery and protesting about the police doing nothing. Asians, aboriginals have had/do have problems here but saying they are second class citizens is taking the situation a bit too far.