Re: attn: musical people. my friend is an idiot.
hehe, amelia, i love some of the replies in this, they just make me laugh
hi, im the retard that meilz92 is talking about in this thread, yes, i did know that theory was erquired and that they were at AMEB level, i honestly thought i was up to par with my music theory (having spoken to my muisc teacher(s)) but got a real shoch when i sat for the UNE audition, from that point onwards i worked as hard as i could with my theory. UNSW i was never expecting to get into, the only reason i picked it was because i didnt want to go to the con, being a guitarist/singer im not really into all the classical and jazz and am strongly leaning towards contemprary options. i completely accept that getting ejcted from UNE and UNSW is my own fault, however this does not bother me in the slightest, there is always another way to get into university. have been accepted to UNCLE, ad my ATAR is in their specified range, according to the guy on the day they are accepting 100 people into the course this year, and only 60 people had registered for an audition. with UWS am not liking my chances but there is always hope, for me failing these basic theory "tests" like singing scales and clapping rythms, i do my absoloute best to make up with in my performance.
while on that point, does anybody in this thread know of any websites/programs that could help me with singing scales and clapping out rhythms, dont know exactly what to type into google, and am not having much lukc with what i have typed in so far, any suggestions would be great.
amelia, your a douche for starting this thread, but thanks bud