Well... i go to UNSW.
The philosophy subject I did last semester was called Minds, Bodies and Persons.
3 hours a week and an hour tutorial.
We covered philosophers like Descartes, Merleau Ponty, Nietszche, etc.
We didn't have an exam because they didn't believe that exams were necessary because we needed to show our understanding of the readings that we done. So basically we had to do some essays. the last two essays were worth 30%.
We discussed different philosopher's ideas on the mind, like what it is, who has it, etc. Relate the mind to the body, do they interact, is the body real, etc...... And we dealt with Personal Identity, like what separates us from others, how we express ourselves and why.
It's all very wishy washy at times and sometimes u have to read through everything 800 tiems to understand it, but I found it really enjoyable and interesting. I got a distinction in the end, so I plan on keep on doing it till I fail!
The next one I'm doing is called Ethics and Society. It's about well... ethics and society..... dealing with euthensia, and other moral issues and discuss differents views and ideas.
Job wise, if you major in pihlosophy, when u graduate, u will be working in universities. That is if u choose to use ur Philosohpy qualification to look for a job.
Teaching philosophy at uni is the most common job for philosophy graduates, but if u want to work in other areas, apparently employers appreciates Philosophy because it means u can think for urself and understand concepts.
As for which uni to go to, i don't know...... whichever one suits u best... i will look into that more.....