omg 201055 but i want some of wat u gave to miss-smexy
she seems to be a satisfied customer ><.
201055 said:
For all those lonely girls out there, call Steve for a good time
Hot sexy asian guy who buffs out in the gym a lot
Call 0435 008 016! Don't hesitate, a good time is just a call away
Yes yes please do call me with ALL your needs. [size=-14]Calls charged at a rate of $4.95 per min in blocks of 5 min. Connection fee of $19.95 applies.[/size]
i dident abadon a unsw co-op
i was studying engineering at unsw and found the maths physics + computing really really boring..... and walking into lectures of 1000 asain and curry men isent the greatest thing in the world especially after going through 6 years of a all boys high school =P
Anothing thing i found that was good about uts BAcc is the fast track.
Yes it is a pain starting uni 6 weeks before everyone else but its acctually really really fun tho. Plus u make like 36 instant friends which is great!
I found that when i went to unsw i basically stuck to the group of friends i knew in high school caus it was kinda hard to make new friends (no i am not anti-social). You say hi to someone in a lecture and the next time u have that lecture u wont see the person again, after all their are like 300 400 500 people in any lecture.
Travel is another issue. The bus lines SUCK especially at the start of the semester. if you dont believe me line up at the 891 bus lines and see how long it takes u to get from central to unsw not to mention the cost of the bus tickets. Then u can try walking from central to uts (nice 5 min relaxing walk).
But then again unsw does have things good about it.
Firstly it dosent look like crap (yes uts is ugly)
More of a "university life" since everyone is forced to do stuff on campus as its placed in the middle of no where. while uts students tend to wonder off to the city next door.
More facilities at unsw.
Some may argue a better more reconised university but i disagree. But I am telling you guys from first hand experience that the teaching at uts is just as good as unsw if not better.
And also unsw co-op tends to focus alot on ur uai. if ur mr100 uai then they will take u just caus u like 8 unit maths. They tend to focus less on personal attributes, so relatively we us BAccs are cool when placed next to unsw co-ops.
ok enough of back to study =\