Fuck that, you people have this image of some gorgeous member of the opposite sex proposing to you face to face....what if you don't want to go out with them? What then? Got awkward?
Fuck, if some wench is asking me out, I'd much prefer an email or sms, gives me time to gather my thoughts together.
A girl once asked over msn for my home address because she wanted to send me a letter as she "had stuff to say that she couldn't do over msn", I kinda new where it was heading, and i got the letter and it was heaps sweet and stuff, but i didn't want to go this path with this girl, so it gave me time to compose myself.
In the end I didn't reply, which was kinda slack, in fact, extremely slack, but I dunno, I sent her an sms...
wow, i kind of feel bad now.
i'm a pretty gronky guy to ask out anyway, so it's pretty much her fault for choosing to ask me. (Guilt gone!)