I already know that it's better to use texts that aren't the same media as the one you're using, but my problem lies in the fact that I have no texts that I can think of that articulate belonging or not belonging in anyway possible.
And on a side note, my English Teacher would rather us not use a song, since the structure is similar to that of a poem. Plus, around 80% of my music is instrumental, so I'm not sure that they'd like an interpretation of sound texture, scales, use of beats and how this relates to belonging (instrumental music is much more subjective that lyrical music or any kind of text).
I'm basically looking for something like a movie and a picture. I also need to know the authors names (as it is part of the assignment, interviewing Skrzynecki and the two other composers about the concept of belonging being a universal human experience). If any of you have anything to suggest to me (preferably today), then I will be forever grateful!