trekkie said:
In all seriousness im on the other side of this debate and often teachers will choose a few students to focus on in the class when they make eye contact or are explaining and you just get into the habit of looking into that area of the classroom...whether its because its an area of trouble in the classroom or your looking at a kid who you know might be struggling...but seriously if this is bothering you speak to your year advisor about it but make it clear your uncomfortable and you dont think theres anything in it, maybe ask the year advisor to make a general comment to the teacher or something along the lines of anonymity
I agree with everything in this post, except the bolded section, mainly because it would be difficult to make an anonymous comment if indeed the teacher consciously and knowingly for eg makes eye contact with said student.
There are many logical reasons behind this though, so i wouldn't be too fussed. Even limited physical contact such as touching your shoulder et al should not concern you too deeply.
If anything else becomes 'deep' though, then you could complain. /poor pun, bawdy humour.
Exphate: you won't be in this situation in the future, hey