I wanted to meet you man, *sniff*
Anyway, yeah it was pretty much a success.
Now my personal evaluations on original pre-meeting impressions vs actual impressions.
Xiao: Well he was.. oh yeah I nearly forgot.. he didn't COME.. :angry: haha.
Tooheyz: Quite a groovey chick considering I thought she would be some alcohead unable to stop drinking beer (I couldn't help forming such prior prejudices.. I mean.. just look at the name 'tooheyz' hahaha.)
Winston: Okay, again for some reason I thought he was going to be an English guy with a heavy british accent, but he turned out to be quite a witty, charismatic guy.
Freaking_Out: You didn't look like Hussein man! ROAR
Kittykat: Hah, unfortunately I didn't speak to her that much, she seemed a little shy
Carlito: Nice guy, plus his name is CARL, how could he not be cool? PS Wheres Lenny
Wyvern: Hey man you left early didn't you? :/