Originally posted by Huy
I'll just start blaming the phone operator for my troubles.
That's what I did when I rang the HSC Inquiry Line yesterday lol....
"I didn't do as well as I should have in Englihs Extension 2"
"Well, may be your teacher marked you higher in the assessment and you didn't do as well in the exam as you thought. I know it's dissapointing but..."
"There is no exam for extension 2 english"
"There's only a major work, so I know exactly what I sent to the Board of Studies and so does my teacher"
*uncomfortable silence then the operator gets scared I will get stuck in to him again*
"All you can do is get a clerical recheck"
"There is only 1 mark for the major work, I doubt they added it up wrong, I want a remark or I want information on how I can protest my mark"
"You are protesting your mark now"
"I've been protesting it all day... I'm not actually protesting it, you are just telling me what I already know... what's already on the BOS website"
"Well, I'm afraid that's all the help I can give you"
"Well, I understand that's all you can help me with, but you must be able to understand that I don't understand why I was beaten by a pothead who did their major work the night before it was due"
"Yes that must be very difficult for you..."
"yes... Have a nice Christmas"
"Oh yes, you too"
Poor BOS Phone Monkey... me not been so nice past 2 days.
My teacher is trying to protest my mark... I doubt anything will come from it though.