breaking up... (3 Viewers)


New Member
Jun 12, 2008
my ex broke up with me for another girl.
the thing i learnt from it is dont date dickheads :)

thus, now, im dating the nicest guy on ze planet.
learnt that too!

then i started seeing this guy who i thought was the nicest guy on the planet,
but he still turned out to be an asshole.

new lesson-all guys suck.
Jun 7, 2009
This is gonna be a little long so forgive me.
We dated for 7 months and she was my first proper girlfriend, and she will always be the one I lost my virginity to and the one whose virginity I took.
Its been 3 months now since we've broken up.
The reasons for ending it were varied but after a month after bein dumped i realized what was wrong. I wasnt looking after my self, and that she didnt feel like she was in a relaitonship because I grew a little distant. In my defence After the uni exams I needed sometime for my self. bEcause I just felt lost.
And She cheated on me a few weeks f=before the break up and i forgave after 2 days of not talking. Only to have her dump me a few weeks later. 5 days before my bday.
I didnt handle it well. I up for like tried calling her for like 3 weeks before giving up.
In the sense I thought that if i gave her time to miss me, she'd eventually call me up. So I thoight Id use this time to improve my self. I lost weigt, got fit, gave up smoking, and reduced my drinking levels. After a month I called her up to see how she was doing, she was cold and distant and small talk was just dead, so I just said sorry for the way I behaved and apologized for the way things ended.
She forgave me but said it wasnt alright yet. And when I asked if we could be friends, she said no...not yet, she stillneeded time.
At the time i didnt know why, but on Chinese New years i found out that she was then offically dating this hardcore religious guy whose name is Christian, who had been hitting on her while we were dating. and that they had been seeing each other 3 weeks after dumping me. I was crushed. and I gave up on the idea of trying to get back with her and continued to improve my self.
Im kinda glad that she broke up with me. I was forced to mature my out look on relationships and just life in general and as a whole has made me a better person, more focused on those I love and my goals. I hav her to thank for thses changes, that is not to say that it wasnt hard. I ve been taking it one day at a time..and actually found my self having fun with my friends.
So pretty much Im doing fine without her. And she can call me up if she has something to say. But til then Im fine an while I do miss her and sometimes wish she would come back and call me...I know itll be short lived and not the same as before. She has issues to sort out with faithfulness before she can talk to me about a relationship. But as I said I miss her and think about her sometimes when Im alon with my thoughts, But im moving on and Im gonna fin another her. Nicer and cuter too. and til then Im just gonna enjoy life til i find the next flame.

on another note. Her new BF looks ugly and had to ask her mum permission to date her. At least Im happy in the fact that I look better than him and I have the thread from 4chan to prove it lol. And the fact that Im not a religious nut like him. Hopefully she'll realize her mistake. But Until then I pray at night "Dear god, I pray to you tonight as I do each night, that you watch over Amy, make sure shes happy, safe and healthy. And make sure no harm comes to her, and look after her in the way that I couldnt when I was with her. I pray that her new partner doesnt hurt her and that she finds happiness in this world and maybe one day we can talk again".

Sorry for the long post but thanks for letting me vent a little

okay so i got this quote from a few months back...

relivant to me though. hmm that sounded soo much like myself. except for the whole cheating thing. when i was dating my ex i went thru that whole "improve myself" phase. wow i felt a change in myself. my self esteem boosted! and unfortunately i made the mistake of breaking it off with my ex coz i felt that something wasnt right. we promised to stay friends at least. well we had little chats here and there.. three months later and then when i realised that i wanted him back... i guess i scared him off. i told him how i felt and he always gives me the cold shoulder now. when i call, never picks up or if he does he doesnt say ANYTHING. yeah... ive let go ALOT since all this chasing has gotten me no where. still miss him and wished he was still with me but i always think of him as the only guy i want to be with. dont know why i made a silly mistake that i did.

dont miss him that extreme emotionanally anymore. just the physicality. just little moments in life that make it all worth it.


New Member
Oct 23, 2008
Broke up with my girlfriend just over a week ago :( Still getting over it atm. Basically she wanted to end it and just be friends because i would be leaving at the end of the year for Uni. She didn't want to make it harder for ourselves at the end of the year. I would have loved to to spend the rest of the year with her. She was my first proper girlfriend, lost my v to her and she lost hers to me... Tried rectifying the situation in the hope of convincing her that we can enjoy the rest, but she didn't want to get attached.
Jun 7, 2009
Broke up with my girlfriend just over a week ago :( Still getting over it atm. Basically she wanted to end it and just be friends because i would be leaving at the end of the year for Uni. She didn't want to make it harder for ourselves at the end of the year. I would have loved to to spend the rest of the year with her. She was my first proper girlfriend, lost my v to her and she lost hers to me... Tried rectifying the situation in the hope of convincing her that we can enjoy the rest, but she didn't want to get attached.
naww there there...

sounds like she wasn't ready for commitment. you have my sympathy :)


May 18, 2009
A shoe box in the middle of the road
how did you break up in your last relationship and what were the reasons? did you learn anything from it?
i organised to see the guy in person, then just said to him that it really wasn't working for me. he said 'i just don't think its fair of me to expect you to wait three months (he was goin to america)' and i told him if i thought we had something that was worth waiting for i would. (if i thought it was going to last) and he understood what i meant and we parted as friends.
real reasons?... well there is forty one reasons so i won't go into all of them. basically he was using me as an accessory, he'd drag me around to meet ALL his friends and talk about himself the whole time we were together. he drank too much, i mean who honestly wants a bf who goes out drinking without you and gets BLIND drunk and doesn't remember what he has been doing all night in the morning. And i wasn't really attracted to him that much, and he was a bad kisser (among other things!)


The A-Team
Nov 16, 2006
Albury-Wodonga, NSW
I just got sick of having a gf for so long at such a young age (was with her for like 2.5 years), ever since then school ended and i've realised how good one night stands are, so yes, i have learnt lol

"Theres nothing more exhilerating than the thrill of the hunt"~Addikaye03 (TM)
Mar 6, 2013
Under a Rock
how did you break up in your last relationship and what were the reasons? did you learn anything from it?
I didn't break up my last relationship, which also happened to be my first. What did I learn from it? I learnt never to love anyone in that way again. It's too painful. Who needs people when you can just build machines instead.


New Member
Aug 15, 2012
I've personally dumped all my previous boyfriends LOL dont judge me please.
Usually what I feel is that there isn't a real connection between us but there was this one guy that I really liked but we use to fight a LOT and one night i just couldn't stand it anymore so I just broke it off and really I regretted that decision for months. DON'T DO THINGS WHEN YOU'RE ANGRY.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2013
I got dumped over text and later found out the guy was cheating on me. Now that I think about it, he asked me out over text so it figures he was just as gutless to end it over text too.

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