This happened to me before too (as in I was the one being beaten by a friend of mine in half yearly lol) but I believe it was my lack of preparation rather than 'burning out'.Yeah it's true. Happened to a friend of mine. We were both really close throughout the whole year in MX1 and MX2 with like 1% at most separating us. Then in the trial I beat him by ~30% in both. I'm pretty sure he just overworked himself.
I'm pretty sure it was burning himself out, he did a lot of study (a lot more then me anyway). It's best to take breaks so your always have a clear head and can think straight.This happened to me before too (as in I was the one being beaten by a friend of mine in half yearly lol) but I believe it was my lack of preparation rather than 'burning out'.
I'm strongly convinced that 'burning out' very seldom occurs to high school students. Laziness is far far more common and should account for the vast majority of 'unsuccessful' grades.
Hence in answer to OP's question, it may truly exist but isn't something you really should be worried over that much imo.
It happens all the time, mainly because people dont know how to pace themseleves. The HSC isnt a sprint, its more of a marathon. Most people go hard at the begining and fizzle out towards the most critical part of the year when your doing your trials and then the final it actually true
Well I'm also very sure that I studied a lot more overall than the guy I was beaten by at the time. But studying more doesn't always mean more prepared. You may attribute this to burning out, but at that time, I didn't feel that I was burning out and I simply overlooked some things that he studied thoroughly.I'm pretty sure it was burning himself out, he did a lot of study (a lot more then me anyway). It's best to take breaks so your always have a clear head and can think straight.