Chances of making it to a selective school? (2 Viewers)


back from the dead
Feb 26, 2013
on the moon
Im currently in year 10 and I am absolutely desperate to get out of my current school. I will be applying for year 11 next year. I applied for some selective schools last year (Sydney, St George and North Sydney Girls) but I was unsuccessfull :( I'm guessing that is because there aren't usually any vacancies throughout years 8-10? im not sure. Anyway, I'm definitely applying again this year and I'm definitely applying for St George, most likely Sydney Girls too, I might apply for North Sydney again but I want to add a fourth school but don't know which to put. I was thinking Hurlstone. (btw that was listed in no particular order, but i will most likely put St George as 1st preference.)
My results have been pretty good since year 7, ive always been in the top classes, always been one of the top achievers, I've constantly got either High's or Outstandings for my subjects, I came first in Geography and Elective History last year, in other years i have also recieved first place awards (i can remember i got first place in science since year 7 except last year i just missed out :( ), I also do representative sport and have since year 7 and last year I went to the golf state carnival to represent my area. I'm a peer mentor and peer numeracy tutor as well and I did the ICAS science comp last year and was one of the only people who got credit ( i think only one other girl in my grade got it)... i was sooo close to distinction :( I also got top bands for NAPLAN in years 7 and 9 but yeah, this year i might also do Duke of Edinburgh and maybe a few other volunteering things. Will that be enough to get me in? I know the schools offer extra places for year 11, but i have no idea if i will make it! Im so desperate to go to a selective school and have been since year 6 :(
Do they look for extra stuff like representative sport, volunteering etc. as well as good academic achievements when it comes to applications? Im just hoping that that extra stuff i do may give me slightly more of a chance of making it than someone else... ugh! I really hope i make it!!! >.< :S this is my last chance to escape the "school" i go to now!!!!! :S thanks in advance :) also if any of you guys who have gone through this before and have made it into selective can give me any tips that would be much appreciated
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Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
Im currently in year 10 and I am absolutely desperate to get out of my current school. I will be applying for year 11 next year. I applied for some selective schools last year (Sydney, St George and North Sydney Girls) but I was unsuccessfull :( I'm guessing that is because there aren't usually any vacancies throughout years 8-10? im not sure. Anyway, I'm definitely applying again this year and I'm definitely applying for St George, most likely Sydney Girls too, I might apply for North Sydney again but I want to add a fourth school but don't know which to put. I was thinking Hurlstone. (btw that was listed in no particular order, but i will most likely put St George as 1st preference.)
My results have been pretty good since year 7, ive always been in the top classes, always been one of the top achievers, I've constantly got either High's or Outstandings for my subjects, I came first in Geography and Elective History last year, in other years i have also recieved first place awards (i can remember i got first place in science since year 7 except last year i just missed out :( ), I also do representative sport and have since year 7 and last year I went to the golf state carnival to represent my area. I'm a peer mentor and peer numeracy tutor as well and I did the ICAS science comp last year and was one of the only people who got credit ( i think only one other girl in my grade got it)... i was sooo close to distinction :( I also got top bands for NAPLAN in years 7 and 9 but yeah, this year i might also do Duke of Edinburgh and maybe a few other volunteering things. Will that be enough to get me in? I know the schools offer extra places for year 11, but i have no idea if i will make it! Im so desperate to go to a selective school and have been since year 6 :(
Do they look for extra stuff like representative sport, volunteering etc. as well as good academic achievements when it comes to applications? Im just hoping that that extra stuff i do may give me slightly more of a chance of making it than someone else... ugh! I really hope i make it!!! >.< :S this is my last chance to escape the "school" i go to now!!!!! :S thanks in advance :) also if any of you guys who have gone through this before and have made it into selective can give me any tips that would be much appreciated
There is a high chance you will make it .


Sleep Deprived Entity
Feb 10, 2011
Uni Grad
Im currently in year 10 and I am absolutely desperate to get out of my current school. I will be applying for year 11 next year. I applied for some selective schools last year (Sydney, St George and North Sydney Girls) but I was unsuccessfull :( I'm guessing that is because there aren't usually any vacancies throughout years 8-10? im not sure. Anyway, I'm definitely applying again this year and I'm definitely applying for St George, most likely Sydney Girls too, I might apply for North Sydney again but I want to add a fourth school but don't know which to put. I was thinking Hurlstone. (btw that was listed in no particular order, but i will most likely put St George as 1st preference.)
My results have been pretty good since year 7, ive always been in the top classes, always been one of the top achievers, I've constantly got either High's or Outstandings for my subjects, I came first in Geography and Elective History last year, in other years i have also recieved first place awards (i can remember i got first place in science since year 7 except last year i just missed out :( ), I also do representative sport and have since year 7 and last year I went to the golf state carnival to represent my area. I'm a peer mentor and peer numeracy tutor as well and I did the ICAS science comp last year and was one of the only people who got credit ( i think only one other girl in my grade got it)... i was sooo close to distinction :( I also got top bands for NAPLAN in years 7 and 9 but yeah, this year i might also do Duke of Edinburgh and maybe a few other volunteering things. Will that be enough to get me in? I know the schools offer extra places for year 11, but i have no idea if i will make it! Im so desperate to go to a selective school and have been since year 6 :(
Do they look for extra stuff like representative sport, volunteering etc. as well as good academic achievements when it comes to applications? Im just hoping that that extra stuff i do may give me slightly more of a chance of making it than someone else... ugh! I really hope i make it!!! >.< :S this is my last chance to escape the "school" i go to now!!!!! :S thanks in advance :) also if any of you guys who have gone through this before and have made it into selective can give me any tips that would be much appreciated
1. Yeah, try out for 4 schools. Definitely recommended. Don't think order of preference matters too much tbh. Yeah, SGHS, NSG, St George, Hurlstone sounds like a good list but you may want to add in a partial selective (e.g. Macquarie Fields, Sefton) instead of a 4th fully selective school if you're in a comprehensive at the moment. But it's your choice.
2. Academic performance - Years 7 to half-yearly Year 9 performances are quite irrelevant to your application. What truly matters are: your Year 9 yearly AND most importantly, your Year 10-half yearly. Your Year 9 yearly performance sounds great so hopefully, you replicate the same/better standard in your Year 10 half yearly report.
3. NAPLAN results - If it's all in the top bands for the Year 9 one - it's definitely a gr8 thing.
4. Extra stuff will you the edge against those who are academically similar to you when they try to distinguish who is worthy of a placement and you have a great amount of extra-cirriculars it seems.
5. Well, from my own experience, in Year 10 ..I got 3As 5Bs for Year 9 yearly and 6As 2Bs for Year 10 half-yearly, my yr 9 NAPLAN was like 3 arrow band 10s, 1 mid band 10 and 1 mid band 9 for READING LOOOL and I got offers from Syd Tech (chose tech) + Hurlstone. If there's one thing I regret not doing is probably trying for 1 or 2 more HIGHER schools like Fort Street or something but doesn't matter too much in the end tbh. However, Hurlstone is a heavy advocate of the entrance test... They base probably 90% of your application/entry into the school on it (well when I applied for the school, it was like that), where I had friends with MEDIOCRE reports (no As) making it in while some friends with better reports failed to get in.
6. Just go in fresh. Have a good night sleep if you have an entrance test + interview for a school. Go for it. It's your last chance so make it good (don't have any regrets).
7. IMHO, a person of your calibre should get into St George or Hurlstone at least but no guarantees. Don't get too confident but yeah, hopefully you'll end up in 1 of your applied schools! GL!


back from the dead
Feb 26, 2013
on the moon
1. Yeah, try out for 4 schools. Definitely recommended. Don't think order of preference matters too much tbh. Yeah, SGHS, NSG, St George, Hurlstone sounds like a good list but you may want to add in a partial selective (e.g. Macquarie Fields, Sefton) instead of a 4th fully selective school if you're in a comprehensive at the moment. But it's your choice.
2. Academic performance - Years 7 to half-yearly Year 9 performances are quite irrelevant to your application. What truly matters are: your Year 9 yearly AND most importantly, your Year 10-half yearly. Your Year 9 yearly performance sounds great so hopefully, you replicate the same/better standard in your Year 10 half yearly report.
3. NAPLAN results - If it's all in the top bands for the Year 9 one - it's definitely a gr8 thing.
4. Extra stuff will you the edge against those who are academically similar to you when they try to distinguish who is worthy of a placement and you have a great amount of extra-cirriculars it seems.
5. Well, from my own experience, in Year 10 ..I got 3As 5Bs for Year 9 yearly and 6As 2Bs for Year 10 half-yearly, my yr 9 NAPLAN was like 3 arrow band 10s, 1 mid band 10 and 1 mid band 9 for READING LOOOL and I got offers from Syd Tech (chose tech) + Hurlstone. If there's one thing I regret not doing is probably trying for 1 or 2 more HIGHER schools like Fort Street or something but doesn't matter too much in the end tbh. However, Hurlstone is a heavy advocate of the entrance test... They base probably 90% of your application/entry into the school on it (well when I applied for the school, it was like that), where I had friends with MEDIOCRE reports (no As) making it in while some friends with better reports failed to get in.
6. Just go in fresh. Have a good night sleep if you have an entrance test + interview for a school. Go for it. It's your last chance so make it good (don't have any regrets).
7. IMHO, a person of your calibre should get into St George or Hurlstone at least but no guarantees. Don't get too confident but yeah, hopefully you'll end up in 1 of your applied schools! GL!
gee thanks for the advice :) my dad went to sydney tech, my uncle went to sydney tech, my auntie went to st george girls so i feel really left out, plus my cousins go to private schools so theyre all good :( its just me that happens to go to a crap school who claims they are excellent when really they arent. the teachers cant do their jobs and majority of my grade dont give about their education. thats why i just wanna leave :(
Im also REALLY worried about my half yearlies :S i stress way too easily so i think that sort of affects my scores. I might put Sefton down, my dad was considering it.. yeah i have decided im doing duke of ed, and im already a peer mentor so thats student leadership. im going to represent my school again this year in golf. so thats 3 things.. also doing being a peer numeracy tutor could help my chances slightly.
oh idk how id do if i put down hurlstone and had to sit the test. tests freak me out and i get scared of doing terrible (which i have done before but still managed to get a high overall for that subject in my report.)
ahhh im never confident.. :S this selective schools thing is seriously stressing me out, its always in the back of my mind and im scared if i dont get in my atar could be affected by the bad teaching at my school :S i really do hope i make it >.< :S i really want to experience going to a real school. ive wasted the past 3 years of my life with crap teachers and stuff and im over it. hopefully this year will be slightly better. i would transfer to another school, but this is one of the better girls only schools in my area, even though it is pretty crap, the others are even worse.
btw how competitive are those schools i listed? is st george super duper competitive cos i have a feeling thats the only one i really have a chance of making it into :(
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Sleep Deprived Entity
Feb 10, 2011
Uni Grad
gee thanks for the advice :) my dad went to sydney tech, my uncle went to sydney tech, my auntie went to st george girls so i feel really left out, plus my cousins go to private schools so theyre all good :( its just me that happens to go to a crap school who claims they are excellent when really they arent. the teachers cant do their jobs and majority of my grade dont give about their education. thats why i just wanna leave :(
Im also REALLY worried about my half yearlies :S i stress way too easily so i think that sort of affects my scores. I might put Sefton down, my dad was considering it.. yeah i have decided im doing duke of ed, and im already a peer mentor so thats student leadership. im going to represent my school again this year in golf. so thats 3 things.. also doing being a peer numeracy tutor could help my chances slightly.
oh idk how id do if i put down hurlstone and had to sit the test. tests freak me out and i get scared of doing terrible (which i have done before but still managed to get a high overall for that subject in my report.)
ahhh im never confident.. :S this selective schools thing is seriously stressing me out, its always in the back of my mind and im scared if i dont get in my atar could be affected by the bad teaching at my school :S i really do hope i make it >.< :S i really want to experience going to a real school. ive wasted the past 3 years of my life with crap teachers and stuff and im over it. hopefully this year will be slightly better. i would transfer to another school, but this is one of the better girls only schools in my area, even though it is pretty crap, the others are even worse.
btw how competitive are those schools i listed? is st george super duper competitive cos i have a feeling thats the only one i really have a chance of making it into :(
dw I doubted myself/never believed too yet i still made it so lol. (doubt was the reason why i didnt apply for even higher schools but idm now tbh)

St George is a gr8 school in terms of competitiveness. Consistently top 20. Tech in comparison isnt as gr8 as a counterpart.

Also, Kurosaki mentioned a good point. If u go Hurlstone, u have to do compulsory Ag (you cannot drop it) in Years 11 + 12. (a reason why I didnt choose hurlstone)


back from the dead
Feb 26, 2013
on the moon
dw I doubted myself/never believed too yet i still made it so lol. (doubt was the reason why i didnt apply for even higher schools but idm now tbh)

St George is a gr8 school in terms of competitiveness. Consistently top 20. Tech in comparison isnt as gr8 as a counterpart.

Also, Kurosaki mentioned a good point. If u go Hurlstone, u have to do compulsory Ag (you cannot drop it) in Years 11 + 12. (a reason why I didnt choose hurlstone)
I really hope I make it! :S at least to St George. My school now is a joke. espesh the science gosh theres only 2 good ones, but one of them is away all the time and she takes Chemistry in senior years (just happens to be a subject i wanna take) and the other one is the one i have this year. so far shes been 1000000000000x better than my previous science teachers...but i think she is pregnant and will be leaving soon -.- my science teacher from last year, if you can even call him a teacher, takes physics in senior years and i wanted to take that too.. my maths teacher is crap! she cant explain things properly and always gets mixed up and ends up confusing the whole class...we are the top maths class and in 2 tests last year the whole class did really bad, me included. so yeah im scared about the maths teacher i could get next year as well cos i wanna take Maths Ext1... guess im doomed if i dont make it to selective. do a lot of people apply for St George? i am sort of starting to feel as though i have no chance, i already know a few people from m school who wanna apply there, just they donthave as many extra curriculars as me i hope i make it!!!!! :| ugh i really have to stop stressing so much! :|


back from the dead
Feb 26, 2013
on the moon
So I asked my dad what other schools i should put down, he said maybe Tempe or Caringbah.. are those two any good? So after a lot of thinking, Ive kinda decided on St George, Hurlstone, Sydney and maybe Caringbah or Tempe. Apparently Sefton isnt selective in 11 and 12, so no point. i think this is driving me insane, its always at the back of my head. I'm constantly thinking: What if i do bad in my half yearly report? This is my last chance to get away from this school. What if I dont make it? What will i do then? its always in the back of my mind :( some things may take my mind off it temporarily but its always just there, even as i was trying to get to sleep last night those thoughts kept coming back. its really stressing me out. I missed out on a science lesson last friday because i was on an elective history excursion and the class was taught how to balance equations. today I thought "its ok i have a double period today, ill ask the teacher to explain it to me." turns out my teacher was away AGAIN so we had a sub for the double who kept confusing us. i kinda get how to balance equations now, but thats no thanks to her. i also wasted 2 and a half periods because im a peer mentor and today we had some year 7 info day so we had to go. all we did was sit and listen to the principal brainwash the parents. such a waste of my time. honestly this place is a joke and im so over it! :| :(


Sleep Deprived Entity
Feb 10, 2011
Uni Grad
So I asked my dad what other schools i should put down, he said maybe Tempe or Caringbah.. are those two any good? So after a lot of thinking, Ive kinda decided on St George, Hurlstone, Sydney and maybe Caringbah or Tempe. Apparently Sefton isnt selective in 11 and 12, so no point. i think this is driving me insane, its always at the back of my head. I'm constantly thinking: What if i do bad in my half yearly report? This is my last chance to get away from this school. What if I dont make it? What will i do then? its always in the back of my mind :( some things may take my mind off it temporarily but its always just there, even as i was trying to get to sleep last night those thoughts kept coming back. its really stressing me out. I missed out on a science lesson last friday because i was on an elective history excursion and the class was taught how to balance equations. today I thought "its ok i have a double period today, ill ask the teacher to explain it to me." turns out my teacher was away AGAIN so we had a sub for the double who kept confusing us. i kinda get how to balance equations now, but thats no thanks to her. i also wasted 2 and a half periods because im a peer mentor and today we had some year 7 info day so we had to go. all we did was sit and listen to the principal brainwash the parents. such a waste of my time. honestly this place is a joke and im so over it! :| :(
Sefton is consistently in the Top 50 or 60 and is probably one of the best partial selective schools out there (despite no selective technically in Year 11 and 12) IF not the best.

Tempe is also partial selective but the thing is... Tempe is nowhere near close to Sefton in terms of ranking (if you look at it objectively).

Caringbah is good... I mean it's a fully selective school so yeah....

And stop stressing so much about it. Stress is good if its minimal.

This is how I approached it: Just go to school and do what you'd normally do. The marks will come naturally if you put the effort. Like, don't think about it too much.

Although the main reason for my relaxed approach was that I didn't mind if I failed to get offer(s).


back from the dead
Feb 26, 2013
on the moon
Sefton is consistently in the Top 50 or 60 and is probably one of the best partial selective schools out there (despite no selective technically in Year 11 and 12) IF not the best.

Tempe is also partial selective but the thing is... Tempe is nowhere near close to Sefton in terms of ranking (if you look at it objectively).

Caringbah is good... I mean it's a fully selective school so yeah....

And stop stressing so much about it. Stress is good if its minimal.

This is how I approached it: Just go to school and do what you'd normally do. The marks will come naturally if you put the effort. Like, don't think about it too much.

Although the main reason for my relaxed approach was that I didn't mind if I failed to get offer(s).
Thanks you're really helpful :D
I saw Sefton's rank from last year, it was pretty good. Tempe wasn't all that good though so maybe I won't put that school down. Hmm yeah Carringbah is fully selective so idk if i should put that down although it's rank last year was pretty good. it was in the 50s, sefton was in the 60s. When it gets closer i will decide. But im still definitely putting St George as first pref. ahhh i know! i have to stop stressing so much! im already stressed about half yearlies and theyre in term 2 =.= i stress too easily, ive been like that since year 7. if i stress this much now, i'm probably gonna get high blood pressure when it comes to HSC time :p
I do put in a huge amount of effort, but sometimes it seems like all that effort doesnt help, especially last year :( i did somehow do really well in my report, but some my test marks weren't that good :'( i just find it sort of unfair that sometimes, the people who don't study as much as me seem to do better...maybe i over study? is that even possible? maybe its just a combination of the stress and studying :L half yearlies last year was a nightmare for me, my stress levels went through the roof! so im really scared about this year.
Yeah I really, really need to get out of my school if I can. Their reputations gone down in terms of academic achievement. The people who do really well in their HSC at my school are the ones that go to tutoring and do nothing but tutoring and school. last year we did manage to just get in the top 200 schools for HSC results and that hadnt happened for quite a long time. we got in the 170's so it still wasnt that great.


Dec 23, 2011
Thanks you're really helpful :D
I saw Sefton's rank from last year, it was pretty good. Tempe wasn't all that good though so maybe I won't put that school down. Hmm yeah Carringbah is fully selective so idk if i should put that down although it's rank last year was pretty good. it was in the 50s, sefton was in the 60s. When it gets closer i will decide. But im still definitely putting St George as first pref. ahhh i know! i have to stop stressing so much! im already stressed about half yearlies and theyre in term 2 =.= i stress too easily, ive been like that since year 7. if i stress this much now, i'm probably gonna get high blood pressure when it comes to HSC time :p
I do put in a huge amount of effort, but sometimes it seems like all that effort doesnt help, especially last year :( i did somehow do really well in my report, but some my test marks weren't that good :'( i just find it sort of unfair that sometimes, the people who don't study as much as me seem to do better...maybe i over study? is that even possible? maybe its just a combination of the stress and studying :L half yearlies last year was a nightmare for me, my stress levels went through the roof! so im really scared about this year.
Yeah I really, really need to get out of my school if I can. Their reputations gone down in terms of academic achievement. The people who do really well in their HSC at my school are the ones that go to tutoring and do nothing but tutoring and school. last year we did manage to just get in the top 200 schools for HSC results and that hadnt happened for quite a long time. we got in the 170's so it still wasnt that great.
You don't lose your touch rivalry.

@golfgirl - Don't worry too much about year nine. Make sure you perform well for 1st semester this year. Do you have any tuition? You need inspiration and I can guarantee you, there is a better possibility of being accepted into schools for year ten into year eleven. Don't let 2012 put you down or affect you. At the end of the day, you get what you deserve (I say this too much).


New Member
Feb 18, 2012
City of Rapture
About 120~ girls try out for St George year 11 and about 20 get in. I entered St George this year as a year 11 with 21 other girls. Great school and everyone is really nice.

First of all, CHILLLLLLL. All that stuff you mentioned above will definitely get you into St George. Honestly, my application for St George wasn't that great; near straight A reports, piano certificate, Salvo's volunteering certificate and 2 semester awards. Not that great compared to your massive size list of achievements.
There is no need to stress over missing a science lesson (if it makes you feel better, I used to take days off school for no real reason) or doing exams; because stress just destroys your ability to do well in tests. I went through 7-10 without caring about the possibility of failing.

Just letting you know in advance; our science faculty isn't really good...


Apr 3, 2012
About 120~ girls try out for St George year 11 and about 20 get in. I entered St George this year as a year 11 with 21 other girls. Great school and everyone is really nice.

First of all, CHILLLLLLL. All that stuff you mentioned above will definitely get you into St George. Honestly, my application for St George wasn't that great; near straight A reports, piano certificate, Salvo's volunteering certificate and 2 semester awards. Not that great compared to your massive size list of achievements.
There is no need to stress over missing a science lesson (if it makes you feel better, I used to take days off school for no real reason) or doing exams; because stress just destroys your ability to do well in tests. I went through 7-10 without caring about the possibility of failing.

Just letting you know in advance; our science faculty isn't really good...
On a side note, what anime is your dp from? Can't seem to tell


May 21, 2012
A word of warning about St. George's science faculty - it's quite subpar.
While I do not pretend to know anything about the application process for selective schools, I do know that it is extremely important for you to do well in your year 10 half-yearly, since St. George doesn't have an entrance test. There should be plenty of vacancies this year, since quite a number of people will be leaving for higher-ranked schools.
Your list of co-curricular activities seem substantial enough. Ace (or do extremely well in) your half-yearlies and you'll definitely make it in! Good luck.
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back from the dead
Feb 26, 2013
on the moon
You don't lose your touch rivalry.

@golfgirl - Don't worry too much about year nine. Make sure you perform well for 1st semester this year. Do you have any tuition? You need inspiration and I can guarantee you, there is a better possibility of being accepted into schools for year ten into year eleven. Don't let 2012 put you down or affect you. At the end of the day, you get what you deserve (I say this too much).
I am going to try my hardest, put as much effort as I can into everything this semester. I'm going to start studying for tests at least 2 weeks before the date and not cram within the last few days before the test like I used to last year. I don't go to tutoring :( My dad was going to make me do it this term but then I said i couldnt be stupid of me, I should have gone to tutoring this term. My maths teacher is hopeless. I might put down Caringbah now because I might be moving that way soon. I won't put Sefton or Tempe. Tempe was ranked too low. Oh I'm gonna try so hard this year and I hope i get an offer from at least one school >.<


back from the dead
Feb 26, 2013
on the moon
About 120~ girls try out for St George year 11 and about 20 get in. I entered St George this year as a year 11 with 21 other girls. Great school and everyone is really nice.

First of all, CHILLLLLLL. All that stuff you mentioned above will definitely get you into St George. Honestly, my application for St George wasn't that great; near straight A reports, piano certificate, Salvo's volunteering certificate and 2 semester awards. Not that great compared to your massive size list of achievements.
There is no need to stress over missing a science lesson (if it makes you feel better, I used to take days off school for no real reason) or doing exams; because stress just destroys your ability to do well in tests. I went through 7-10 without caring about the possibility of failing.

Just letting you know in advance; our science faculty isn't really good...
ohk i hope i make it. St George sounds like an awesome school. haha well actually my science teachers been away a lot this term -.- trust me your science faculty cant be as bad as mine.


back from the dead
Feb 26, 2013
on the moon
A word of warning about St. George's science faculty - it's quite subpar.
While I do not pretend to know anything about the application process for selective schools, I do know that it is extremely important for you to do well in your year 10 half-yearly, since St. George doesn't have an entrance test. There should be plenty of vacancies this year, since quite a number of people will be leaving for higher-ranked schools.
Your list of co-curricular activities seem substantial enough. Ace (or do extremely well in) your half-yearlies and you'll definitely make it in! Good luck.
thanks :) i hope i make it in. i dont know how i'll do in my half yearlies. i usually do ok in tests but not outstanding. i get between 90% and 70% but last year cos my maths teacher is crap i got the lowest score ive ever had for a test.....64%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( :'( many people failed that test and got below 50% and we are the highest maths class and most of my class did pretty bad. Although and i managed to get a high for maths in my report overall. I got high or outstanding for all my subjects so compared to everyone else i didnt do that bad.


back from the dead
Feb 26, 2013
on the moon
hmmm now i think i've decided what schools i will apply for. I will apply for St George, Sydney Girls, Hurlstone and Caringbah. Is that a good choice? Im not sure about what preference I'll put the last three but as i've said a thousand times before I will be putting St George as first preference. I might change my mind later on, but for now do those schools sound like a good choice? I know Caringbah is ranked lower than the others so I may have slightly more of a chance of making it into there than the other schools if they offer extra places. Is Caringbah a good school? i know someone who made it in there but decided to come to my school instead @_@ idk why she did that, but she said it was quite far from where she lived so i guess thats why.

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