leetom said:
Apologising for what happened to Aboriginals (ie Stolen Generation) is debatable, not the actual stolen generation. Personally, I think an apology would do no harm; it would appease all the leftists pushing for an apology and has top symbolic value.
Debatable?!!! In what way? In politician's favours way?
Just say the word, they want to deny that had ever happened. It solves the problem instanteously. If those aborigines dares complain, masscre them, rape them, whatever. They've done it numerous times in the past, I'm sure they won't mind doing it again secretly.
The ALP promised an apology.
I'm sure once liberalism has its way in America there will be an apology about fifty years down the track.
Promised and reality is quite different as way as I'm concerned.
Also, if it realy does takes over 1/2 century for an apology, that better be with interest (i.e return their stolen land as well. Sydney should be a nice piece of land that the aborigines want, will that be returned? Will it? Will it?!!!).
Not every country is like that. How dare you try and cover other, superior countries with the CCP's cloak of crapness. Look at Europe, de-colinisation= big apology.
Europe? Well as far as I'm concerned, EIGHT different European countries joint forces to invade China in the late 1800's, and as far as I'm concerned, the Chinese has receieved no apology.
Does 'big apology' mean they forgot what was done in the past? Looks very much to be the case.
I know you must uphold the CCP's value of destroying everything of cultural value, but in the interst of australian cultural presevation, you should spell words how they are meant to be spelt.
For gods sakes are you ok?
BOTH 'honor'
AND 'honour' are
CORRECT!!! Please go ask your English teacher, then find a hole and cry in it.