I'm trying to decide between director's folio and promotion and program for my IP
If anyone has completed either of these your feedback would be much appreciated
I did director's folio this year and I absolutely loved it
It is a lot of work though - arguably the hardest out of any IP (along with film) from what my drama teacher told me. I think it's because you have to do a bit of everything. There's a bit of costume design, there's a bit of set design, a bit of critical analysis, a bit of dramatic theory etc. What's even more difficult is that you have to synthesise these elements all together in under 3500 words
I'd say that if you like the "wider scheme" of things in drama than go for DF. It's a lot of writing so being good at English also helps, whereas P and P is much more design based (from what I know). But as said before, doing a DF can have a big focus on design if you want to - I ended up putting costume and set designs in mine.
If you have any other questions just ask me