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Church of Scientology are you getting the facts? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jan 21, 2008
This information was presented to you by http://www.scientology-lies.com/whatswrong.html

There are over two dozen allegations that Scientology has held individuals against their will.These illegal acts were not committed by rogue Scientologists - they were in accordance with Scientology policy.
Scientology held Lisa McPherson against her will for 17 days, according to Scientology's own logs. She died in their custody. The state of Florida decided not to prosecute the two felony charges filed against Scientology in her death after Scientology used relentless pressure to get the medical examiner to make a partial change in the cause of death. Her estate sued Scientology for wrongful death and false imprisonment; the suit was settled in May 2004, with all details kept confidential..
Scientology lies.

Lying to people to get their money isn't just unethical -it's illegal. It's called fraud.
Scientology claims there is a scientific basis for all their processes. There isn't. Scientology claims it's compatible with other belief systems, like Christianity. It's not. Scientology claims to be the fastest-growing religion in the world, with 8 million members, utilizing infallible technology developed by a physicist and war hero. They're lying.
Scientology is breaking the law.

In addition to false imprisonment and fraud, Scientology engages in the illegal practice of medicine by prescribing auditing and vitamins to replace legally-prescribed medical treatment.
Scientology also extorts money from its members, telling them it's scientifically proven that their lives will become worse if they don't pay for expensive auditing.
Scientology has a long, well-documented history of criminal activities.

High-ranking Scientology executives were convicted of extremely serious crimes in the United States for breaking into government offices and stealing documents. Founder L. Ron Hubbard was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in that case, and the defendants stated in their stipulation of evidence that, at all times, he acted as supervisor of the illegal activities.
Scientology itself was convicted of similar crimes in Canada. When Scientology then tried to destroy the reputation of the prosecutor in the case, they were hit with the biggest libel fine in Canadian history.
L. Ron Hubbard was convicted of fraud in France.
Scientology attacks free speech.

Scientology says that "public statements against Scientology or Scientologists," "writing anti-Scientology letters to the press," and "testifying as a hostile witness against Scientology in public" are all "Suppressive Acts" - high crimes, according to " Introduction to Scientology Ethics." The book goes on to say that people who do such things "cannot be granted the rights and beingness ordinarily accorded rational beings."
In accordance with this policy (and others like it), Scientology has tried to silence all criticism:
Scientology framed journalist Paulette Cooper for sending bomb threats after she wrote The Scandal of Scientology.
Scientology sued book and magazine publishers - including Time magazine - in an attempt to prevent any future criticism by scaring publishers with the prospect of enormous court costs.
Scientology sued critics for copyright infringement, even though the copyrights to some of the documents in question may have been lost to the public domain years ago.
Scientology tried to unilaterally shut down the alt.religion.scientology newsgroup - unintentionally bringing Scientology to the attention of hundreds of free-speech advocates.
Scientology imposes gag orders in settlement agreements, preventing those who have suffered most from telling the world what they know.
Scientology routinely threatens legal action against critics, alleging copyright infringement, trademark dilution, and dissemination of trade secrets - often in situations in which its allegations are baseless.
Scientology hurts people.

Scientology routinely pressures members into spending more money than they can afford on expensive courses.
Scientology's disconnection policy destroys families.
Scientology betrays the trust of well-intentioned people by falsely claiming to have a scientifically-proven technology to save the world.
Scientology ruthlessly attacks its critics with everything from frame-ups to unannounced visits to the homes of family members to libellous fliers distributed to their neighbors and business associates.
And sometimes, Scientologists die under suspicious circumstances.

For more articles about the Church of Scientology http://www.scientology-lies.com/liesindex.html


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
Stop spreading your lies.

I choose to be a scientologist, no one forces me or defrauded me.


mr jumb
Jun 24, 2004
Interesting, but nothing noone didn't already know.
Oct 19, 2005
scientology is bullshit. and i didnt bother reading that whole first post. the hyperlinks kept distracting me.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
flappinghippo said:
Watch some South Park, ari.
No, it's a prohibited show for very good reason.

They had the most blasphemy episode once where they simplified our beliefs to make them look silly and made one of their characters the inheritor of L. Ron Hubbard's energy.

If you watch that show expect to the worst.


Allegation One: Scientologists are fucking insane
Truth: This allegation is true

Allegation Two: Scientology is a pyramid scam
Truth: This allegation is true

Allegation Three: Tom Cruise is short
Truth: Tom Cruise is a primordial dwarf

How many billions of people can you fit in one DC9?


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
katie_tully said:
Allegation One: Scientologists are fucking insane
Truth: This allegation is true

Allegation Two: Scientology is a pyramid scam
Truth: This allegation is true

Allegation Three: Tom Cruise is short
Truth: Tom Cruise is a primordial dwarf

How many billions of people can you fit in one DC9?
How many Tom Cruise's can you fit in one DC9? Billions


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
katie_tully said:
Allegation One: Scientologists are fucking insane
Truth: This allegation is true

Allegation Two: Scientology is a pyramid scam
Truth: This allegation is true

Allegation Three: Tom Cruise is short
Truth: Tom Cruise is a primordial dwarf

How many billions of people can you fit in one DC9?
2 in the cockpit, 180 in economy and 999 999 818 in the ashtray.


New Member
Jan 25, 2008
My parents and myself were involved with scientology from the mid 70's.

I exhibited signs of gender dysphoria from the age of 2 and in school, when ask to explain a self portrait, showed a great distress about my physical body from.

The 70's pshyc team were sent to investigate me just to be turned away by a threat of legal action directly by Scientology.

This intevention led to a life of suffering by me as a direct result of not getting the treatment I needed for this new and highly controversial treatment of this condition which is hormones to correct the body and have it clearly inline with the mind. To explain why, there was a direct link from gender dysphoria and homosexuality and the world was looking for a cure.....ROFL.....scientology claimed to cure that too meaning homosexuality. This was before we discovered chromozomes.

Scientology believes that the communication between 2 people is a communication from Soul to soul or thaetan to thaetan (= spirit/essence) and that the mind is a barrier between the body and soul thus separating the mind into a controllable property and that is the basis of brainwashing.

They believe that the soul can change the body though the mind and that the mind is a bank of modern thinking and does, at birth, actually hold the knowledge of the universe but is adulterated by experiences and that behaviour is subject to repeatative actions that can be adressed via visualising the mind as separate to what we think.

They believe that we (souls) reincarnate humans as a form of vessal and that we are all aliens that inhabit the human body. They draw from expirences of "after death" to prove this. They also believe in astro travel (the soul freeing itself from the body to travel anywhere in space not time).

They talked my father into investing $50,000 in the 1980's for treatment that would cure my mother of cancer. Admittingly my mother lived an extra 5 years on top of the 6 months the doctors gave her but she died at the $30,000 dollar mark and also refused to give back the $20k difference on the grounds that THEY believed the money is best left for future audit sessions.

My father was facing bankrupsy due to travel bills for my mother to undergo extreemly expensive high end auditing and she acheived the status of OT 10...the complete freedom of spirit from body and the complete control of her own body. yet she died. Dad used the newly formed gov. dept. consumer affairs to regain his money and pay his debts and we never had any further dealings with scientology (other than the reaction of this post i am sure).

Here are some unknown facts about Scientology.

Lionell Ron Hubbard was one the worlds best science fiction writers of his time before he invented Scientology, Scientology was never discovered.

Scientology claims to be based on the very science they oppose with distain....psycology and psyciatry.

Scientology have had a great history in changing drug addicts and child sex offenders behaviour to allow them to control or beat that condition. They do this my training the mind to sepatate itself and view the mind as a separate entity of which can be controlled or manipulated by the Soul (being #1 in the chain).

So lets put that together in context, shall we?

Scientology use methods, not unlike brainwashing, to deprogram people from harmful or anti social behaviour but is fact unchecked as they oppose the very science it is based on and that can also prove them wrong.

Scientology was created by a science fiction writer that elevated himself to #1 position in doing so and revelled in that postion, showing clear signs of dilusions of grandure. He never once suggested he could be wrong or how he ever came to the realisation of Scientology in the first place thus suggesting he was the keeper of the motherload of information and also the higher being in the chain due to his position.

Lionell Ron Hubbard did not undertake the sessions he required other individuals to undertake and even then you could not, apparently, get close to his self claimed status. Not even by following his methods.

Scientology is incredibly expensive and even more so harder to regain monies from but are very clear in the implications of non payment to them. They do not practise what they preach within the accounting section....funny that one.

To the scientologist.....be aware there is a life after Scientology and that anyone who opposes or questions the fundamentals of scientology are made to be clear opponents and advocaters of evil or the scientology used phrase "Covert Hostility".

Scientology preaches freedom but are very rigid in their thinking and code of ethics. That is innate hipocracy at its rawest level.

They will try to make you believe that, with their help and guidance, you can acheive anything. Please note that you also have that power of your own destiny and that all the money in the world will not change that...only you can decide to change...Scientology really does disguise basic level psycology as a religion and then vigourously oppose the very science they draw from. This i belive is out of fear of being unravelled or retribution.

They are not accountable if they themselves deny the infromation. That seems to be basis of the religion with alot of fancy things attatched like the purification rundown and the sunshine rundown and the big daddy of them all - the NED for OT's.

Scientology should be considered as any religion, a form of social policing using the beliefs of one person to be adhered to by all the followers - and that is what a scientologist is............

A scientologist is someone who believes in a religion that was created by a science fiction writer that elavated himself to guru status and enjoyed that status without his own protocol and that uses methods similar to regular and proven ways of brainwashing to change the way us humans percieve things.

They also follow social trends and claim to "Cure" people from current social difficulties that have a case to answer of "preying off concerned people" offering no proof and subject to theirb own beliefs and not facts as discovered by science.

They have in that past claimed to be able to "CURE"...homosexuality, drug addiction, child and other sex offenders and just about anything that would naturally concern a social consious person or entity.

In reflection, I can see they only claim what is unproven and have often got it very wrong but are not held accountable for any ramafacations due to thier denial of modern science and staus as a religion - now that is just too convinient. They are hiding behind whatever they can to ensure the longevity of the business and trust me - IT IS A BUSINESS!

You are on the same level as someone who believes in elves coz they like J.R.R.Tolkien books and found that the author also believed in elves too....that is just not reason enough for you to give up all you know for the "opinion" of 1 person who showed signs of a mental disorder called "dilusions of grandure".

I can judge Scientology because I have experienced life with and without it.

I wish you well.

Aug 16, 2007
The excessive hyperlinks are likely an attempt to improve their search engine rankings.

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