Hi all: I'm sure most of you have seen/heard the campaign on Walk Against Warming, an initiative to raise awareness and urge government to take greater measures in our usage of greenhouse emission.
I would love to join walks like this but in stead, i'll probably stuck at home studying for my economics exam, and sitting there getting even more agitated as I learn about the current government's policies on environmental management. Please do not mistake me that this is not a personal attack on Howard, but an outcry to alter the government's attitude on this issue. Since the start of stuvac, I've been dating the television every afternoon by watching Parliament Question time (2pm ABC if you are interested). From what I gather, Mr. Howard would not sign Kyoto Protocol because this agreement does not incorporate countries like China, India and USA, and thus proving Kyoto as invalid. May I say for Gods sake that I am absolutely appalled by such argument. We, as Australians, are one of the worst offenders of green house emission and WE should be the PIONEERS of agreements of the like. We, as government and citizens should set ourselves targets and aim to achieve them, as well as developing actual environmental technologies. THe current government said that reducing green house emission will plunge the world into depression, but that is one big misleading statement. Perhaps in the short term, our economic growth will suffer through since our major product is commodities. Yes, I acknowledge this fact and I respect this opinion. However, by adopting a slack policy will see our agricultural community suffer in the long term. Our farms are already suffering from the devastation of droughts, are they not sufficient evidence to indicate this? When we no longer have agricultural products to export, when we have dried up our mineral resources... what then? what next? I fear the future if our government persist on its stance. That's why we need public opinion to overturn this issue.
I was also watching Bob Brown, the Greens leader and I admire him for his belief and plans for this issue. He said that politicians should exceed political barriers in order to work together and solve this global issue. Using the best of Labour, Greens, Democrats and LIberals, everyone, we need to be together on this issue. John Howard's approach is not a wise one, and not an adequate one and hopefully you guys will all be able to contribute to this issue in one way or the other. By talking to friends, by coming up with new solutions. That's another thing, if we pioneer green technology now, we can export them in the long term, giving ourselves a greater advantage in this global era.