Communications Alternative Entry??? (1 Viewer)

biggie walls

Jul 29, 2005
Hey, I really want to do the (Media Arts & Production) strand of the Communications degrees at UTS, but I don't think I'll get the UAI. Im predicting about 88 or so... and I guess this years cut-off will be 91 or so... anyway so Im thinking of alternative methods of entry?

So far Im thinking:

1) Do (Social Inquiry) and transfer at the end of first year, seeing as though 6/8 first year subjects are compulsory for each strand.

2) Do another degree, not necessarily in communications/media area) and not necessarily at UTS, and transfer at the end of first year.

Trying to weigh up the pro's and con's...

1) I would still have completed most of first year and Im pretty sure the social inquiry subjects would count as electives? But Im worried about my chances of transferring successfully?? Probably not many places? and Id need a Distinction average or something? Also, if I did transfer into (Media Arts..) for 2nd year, I would be way behind not having the first year subjects done and it would make for a messy 2nd year?

2) I dont know what degree to do.. I could probably do some sort of business degree and get good marks, but once again dont know about my chances of transferring... and then Id have to do first year of communications, which would be quite painful after already doing a year of boring business crap.

Anyway, I probably sound like a silly little high school student who is freaking out... But Id appreciate any help or advice people can give me!
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An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
Ok, here are some options:
  • Apply for the DFEE version of the course as the cut-off is lower, then transfer at the end of the year into the CSP version. No time would be 'lost', you can still graduate at the end of the 3 years.
  • Apply for another strand of communications at UTS eg. Social Inquiry or Information Management and then transfer at the end of the year. The UAI for these courses are usually lower and because they are so similar in structure you won't 'lose' time and will still graduate in 3 years.
  • Apply for a similar course at another university that has a lower cut-off e.g BA (Media & Communications) at UNSW or BMedia at MQ or BCommunications at UWS or BCA (Media Arts) at UOW, and then transfer. Little time will be 'lost' because of the similarity of the courses.
  • If you cannot make it into any of the Bachelors, and your UAI is above 66 then you might consider the INSEARCH option; where you undertake a Diploma of Communications at UTS and should you maintain your grades you shall recieve guaranteed entry. Upon completion of this Diploma you will enter directly into the second year of your degree - little to no time shall be 'lost'.
  • Failing all of these, you may wish to consider applying to TAFE for their one year Diploma in Communication and Media or a Diploma of Screen. If your performance is strong enough, it may enhance your chances of having a succesful application, the similarity of content will also minimise any time 'lost'

In direct answer to your questions...
1. Yes Social Inquiry subjects will count as its one degree just separate majors. There are most to be more places in second year than first because of drop outs [thats just a guess], you wouldn't be behind (see above response). Regarding averages, its probably best if you just try your best as no one can tell you the cut-offs for transfer marks as the universities typically don't release that data. There is also a thing called the Personal Statement which can enhance your chances of succesful entry.
2.If you are doing uni just for the sake of transfer, then do something similar so you enjoy it more and so you 'lose' as little time as possible. (see above response) If you do something you don't want to do and don't make the transfer then you're stuck in it.
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biggie walls

Jul 29, 2005
Thanks for your advice,

Yeah I think I'll do Social Inquiry first year then change... I'm just worried I wont make the transfer and end up stuck in Social Inquiry :(

Anyway, there is still hope for my UAI being higher than expected and the cutoff for (Media Arts) being lower than expected! haha fingers crossed...

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