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Completely lost about life/education (1 Viewer)


New Member
Mar 10, 2016
This could be quite lengthy so I've included two versions.

The short of it:

22, studying for 4 years, changed degree twice, Arts -> Multimedia -> Business Information Systems, no idea what I'm doing, no passion for anything, hating my university, disillusioned with education, unfulfilled, unsatisfied, hating myself and those around me, no skills, no experience, no hint of where to start and no idea what to even think anymore.

The whole debacle (if you don't want to listen to me whine skip to the end):

Entered university not knowing what to do and being too lazy to work. Always liked history and books so started with a BA even though I knew I didn't have the chops for an academic career and that it was almost universally derided. Told myself I'd find out what I wanted in the process but didn't and lost all motivation to study leading to some fails from non-attendance/last minute assessment.
Tried to narrow my focus to multimedia because I'd always used computers but wasn't confident I could compete in more technical disciplines. Held on for a bit longer (1.5 years) but hated that too and couldn't see myself being passionate enough to pursue design. Took 6 months off to think things through but basically became a neet and didn't end up anywhere.
Thought I could be a smart cookie by starting a degree which mixed IT (growing industry) with business (money) without properly researching what the discipline was, where it lead or what I could do with it.

2 weeks into my second year now and I feel like I've finally woken up. The field has narrow applications and anyone with a compsci/IT or commerce degree could probably do it better. No one I talk to seems to know what the degree is and I'm beginning to feel as though its just pit for uncommitted idiots who don't know what they're doing. The course convener hasn't returned my emails requesting consultation and doesn't seem to give a shit. At this point my GPA isn't good enough to get me into anything meaningful and starting another 3 year degree will make me 25 at graduation.

It's pathetic, I have no social life, passion or skills because I believed they'd all be handed to me without having to work. I know if I don't do that now I'll drown, but I'm as directionless as I was at day one and terrified that whatever I choose will be reduced to pointlessness by my own self-destructive and cynical nature. My personality is rotten and I haven't managed to form any connections or make any meaningful use of my time except to hate those around me.

Basically, my head's been a storm of conflicting thoughts. I've spent the last two weeks obsessively seeking information on every occupation/form of education I could and haven't come to a solution. Some here say STEM/Comm is the only thing worthwhile while others advise to find what interests you, but I have neither avenues available. Every option for my future that I can consider seems similarly bleak and unremarkable - and whats more, every method to pursue them requires considerable time and money of which I don't know where should be best invested.
So here's my question: is it worth it to attempt to stick it out for 2 more years with no motivation, direction or desire for occupation in the field just for the piece of paper? Or, should I take time off again, seriously re-evaluate and try to gain some life experience for perspective. I'm at my wits end here, I can't see any path before me and I need desperately to make sense of things.
If you're going to disparage me, I get it, but please: give some consideration to what you say and want to communicate.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
Do you have any sort of interest in anything at all? You don't have to absolutely LOVE the field you're pursuing. And at uni especially, a lot of the work can be tedious and unlikeable. But obviously you have to be interested in some of it.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
seriously re-evaluate and try to gain some life experience for perspective.
This but don't take a break from life. You can always apply for 6 months of academic leave, get a job and work, travel, be social and come back to things with a new way of thinking. It will mature you in a sense.

It's all about just stepping out and trying things man

http://markmanson.net/ I also recommend that you check out one of my favorite self-help bloggers Mark Manson. He's excellent and helped me out of depression and self-loathing.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2016
Over the Rainbow
Uni Grad

First of all, thank you for sharing this with us. It must be a really difficult time for you and it takes some courage to post this up online.

One of my closest friends recently went through a similar predicament, albeit at Monash University. Having being stuck in an engineering she disliked, she was failing subjects, falling sick and was never fully committed. But here is the struggle: To continue and graduate with a qualification? Or to take some time off and find something she truly enjoyed?

What I feel is important, is find support- someone close to you who understands you and your dilemma. Sit down, talk and plan it out. For my friend, she had family support. While they were initially reluctant and against her choice, they eventually realised the degree was destroying her and started to support her. Having someone who understands you, what you need, want before making a decision together is really important;because no matter what, you have them at your back.

Finding out what you want to do:

So this the key question?- What do you want to do?
I find a good place to start is to attend career expos. Normally universities would have career expos- you just need to sign up and attend it. At career expos you have people from different businesses/fields talking and sharing their experiences in their jobs- be it engineering, med, law, science, IT, design etc. While it is normally for 'career development and pathways', it is really a good way to get insight into what each field is like?

Alternatively, book an appointment with a career advisor/consultant. Each university would normally have their own career consultant. Similarly to career expos, it is targeted at 'career pathways'. Nevertheless, most consultants would have a good idea on what each pathway entails.

Get course booklets/information guides Universities would normally have these online! Take some time out, relax and read through different course guides. Write down reasons why you want to do each course- Pros, and Cons

Talk to people/students in different fields : Don't give up! :) Find something you really love and join a club! If you don't have anything you particularly enjoy, join a general club- e.g Foodlovers. You do meet a host of people from different degrees. Aside from getting a better idea on what each course is like, you get to make friends!

Don't give up on yourself! You do have skills and areas you are good at! This is a setback, but one you can definitely overcome :) You have learnt valuable lessons, put it to use and never give up! :)


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub
Honestly I think taking a break or joining some sort of army/navy would be worthwhile. Just to experience something completely out of the ordinary and find a new perspective in life.

Also, it's okay to be 25 by the time you graduate. Most people who do PhD's are still studying then.


May 22, 2015
Wtf. This guy needs serious life changing advice and your giving him the only option of joining the military.
You make it sound like I am controlling his life like a puppet. He can do whatever he wants, I'm not forcing him to join the military.
He said he couldn't see any paths ahead, but judging from his lack of mentioning the defence force from his original post, I'd say he hasn't thought of this one. So I'm just pointing out this as a potential path, I'm not here to be his private life consultant.


I hate reality
Sep 8, 2014
Dude if your still reading this thread i'm gonna give it to you straight. STUFF UNI. University is a waste of time in the current world we live in. Find an area you like and apply for a low level job and work your way up. My brother hated university but loved computers. Got his cisco certificate 1,2,3 then found a low level job. Worked his way up (dropped out at 17 know is 26) and now earns well over 85k a year with an extremely cushy job. I recommended since you like computers, learning a mainstream programming language over the course of a year r two and starting out as a dev. If you find the right job, you will learn alot and gain experience, albeit you earn a little at the start. Your 22, forget university, trust me, there are far better ways of achieving success. All you need to do is work hard to find the right field/job which has growth. This will take hard work, but once your in, as the famous saying goes, the rest is history.

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