aaaman said:
Well i have a poblem you may help me with, im stuck at choosing either Comp eng, SENG and CompSic
i really wanna do hardware(~40%), software (~30%) and something with graphics or user interface design(~30%). Would ya know what would best suit me?
IMHO Comp Eng.
Firstly MATHXXXX, PHYSXXXX, ELEC1011, COMP2121, COMP3222, ELEC2031 & 2, COMP3211, ELEC3006, TELE3013 are hardware related. these comprise ~ 35% of the degree which relates to hardware. Then COMP1XXX, COMP2011, COMP3231 + other comp electives such as compiler and a course on graphics will make up another 25% of the degree on programming. Another 10% on software development (in comp sci and seng as well) and the rest on your thesis.
I think comp eng suit you.
You can always do graphics along with other things.