the exam, i thought overall was pretty easy, but the questions were pretty specifi, cept for WW1 of course, so i feel like a wasted time studying all the stuff that wasnt there, lol
how i went in the exam hinges on my A/I question, if i go good in that i think i went well =)
the sources were alot harder then they usally were, because each one was specific and the marks were blocked, its usllay easier to get 10 one marks questions right, then a 3 a 3 and a 4 : /
for the eventsi response to majic,
i wrote about him joining the nazi party,
then his building work, numemberg, that field, and various other jobs, menial tasks
met hitler
building of permanent site for numemberg trials
then the reconstuction of berlin
then minister for arms
took part of goerings job with the economy
became minister for the recontruction of berlin after it was bombed
thats it =)
ww1- 2 pages each, but i really would of liked 3, had so much to write, and i had to cram it all around the "End of Question 3" bit
germany- 8
albert speer- 4 each
A/I- 8 pages