Course offers Dilemma! Please help (1 Viewer)

99 plus

New Member
Oct 12, 2012
I accepted the engineering + commerce offer at UNSW in the main rounds. And now, I got engineering+science in the 2nd round offers.
My dilemma is which one should I choose? First of all, I have to tell you that, I'd always wanted to be and engineer, and still am. But the thing is that I am not exactly sure what type of engineering to do, high likely either mechanical or electrical. And I also like to do a double degree. Here are some pros and cons.

-I get to do a first year flexible engineering, which will give me the option of having a thorough look at different fields of engineering spc. mechanical and electrical. Then choosing one wisely.
-Good job security and probs higher pay.
-Parents prefer me doing this because of its better job opportunities

-Never did a humanities subject in the HSC. I only did science and maths subjects.

- I love science and was always fascinated by it. Loved it during my HSC spc. physics, which I might choose to specialize if i do this dual degree.
-Thus I might do well and get higher grades than if i did commerce.
-Might help me with engineering
-Might get a higher job security if I do computer science instead of physics

-Job prospect only dependent on my engineering degree. Almost no good jobs with a science degree (if i do physics and not computer science). So it is kinda a waste of time doing something which might not give me anything. "Knowledge without use is useless" (quote really important).
-The course doesn't allow me to do first year flexible engineering (can someone please confirm this). Therefore risk doing either mechanical or electrical engineering straight off.
-Dropped IPT in preliminary lol so maybe I don't like computer science as much as physics

Quick questions:
Is commerce like more English based? ie. writing essays or what? cause I am not as interested in English, I scored the lowest at it in the HSC lol.

Which should I pick? What would u do? Any advice, comments deeply appreciated.

Thanks for help :)
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
Quick questions:
Is commerce like more English based? ie. writing essays or what? cause I am not as interested in English, I scored the lowest at it in the HSC lol.

Which should I pick? What would u do? Any advice, comments deeply appreciated.

Thanks for help :)
This is only for the commerce program in usyd but commerce is mostly mathematics. Its really different than high school -whereupon its mainly memorization for economics in years 11/12, its really much more graphs and calculations at uni. For example, first semester is normally comprised of accounting, microeconomics and so on. I had two essays last year for my economic units but that was it. Even then, it was mostly problem solving (e.g. analysis the effects of monetary/fiscal policy during the GFC and saving levels thereafter) rather than trying to finding literary techniques lol. In other words, as long as you write clearly and concisely, you should be fine.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Since you're doing Engineering anyway, your pros and cons should solely be for Commerce and Science.

So that said:

-Good job security and probs higher pay.

Never pick a degree solely based on job security or higher pay. That only comes if you're actually good at your job, and also relies on the assumption that supposedly current trends in the employment market will hold true once you're in it like five years from now.

-Parents prefer me doing this because of its better job opportunities

Again, don't pick a degree solely on 'job opportunities'. I did that for Commerce, and I'm not doing it anymore - because while it might've been good for job opportunities, I found it was extremely dull.

-Might help me with engineering

Pretty much the only major in Science that will help you with engineering is mathematics.

-Job prospect only dependent on my engineering degree. Almost no good jobs with a science degree (if i do physics and not computer science). So it is kinda a waste of time doing something which might not give me anything. "Knowledge without use is useless" (quote really important).

I do a second degree - Arts - for pure enjoyment, so I can enjoy my time at uni. Other people take a second degree to bolster their employment chances, I take one so I can do something that I am passionate about. You should decide whether this is the case for you.

Is commerce like more English based? ie. writing essays or what? cause I am not as interested in English, I scored the lowest at it in the HSC lol.

Commerce is maths based, and to an extent about writing essays. You'll have to do some subjects like microeconomics, management, marketing, etc. that will require you to articulate yourself in writing.

Which should I pick? What would u do? Any advice, comments deeply appreciated.


Why? Because you wrote: "I love science and was always fascinated by it. Loved it during my HSC spc. physics, which I might choose to specialize if i do this dual degree."

99 plus

New Member
Oct 12, 2012
Thanks for the comments/advice Hatake88 and Shadowdude.

The thing is that yes I do like science and specially physics, however I'm scared that It'll be of no use to me after I graduate. So it is a waste of double degree.
And also importantly, I won't have the choice of doing first year flexible engineering with it. In this case maybe a single degree is good since I would be able to do first year flexible.

However yes so far the tendency is a bit towards engineering+science lol. Since I think I might do better at it than in engineering+commerce


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
As I said, determine what you want from your double degree - do you want it for increased employability, or so you can do something you genuinely love and are passionate about?

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