aww.. baby raccoon ^^
Ok.. I can't be bothered reading all your posts about this.
I did postmodernism and this is my technique for writing a Successful Creative Response.
Firstly, know your capability at writing creatively under pressure, and know your exam technique. Decide whether you want to write it first or last (or not at all.. haha!) - preferably after you've read the question. Know how much you can write in the time you're given and stick to that. DO NOT go off on some grand narrative if you DO NOT HAVE THE TIME.
Creative responses are interesting in many contexts because you can both ramble about the knowledge you've gained as well as applying it to show how it can be used. For Postmodernism this involves using postmodern techniques to talk about postmodern techniques; using postmodern techniques to illustrate a point; talking about postmodern theorists, etc. For Crime Fiction I would assume you use Crime Fiction stereotypes, plot techniques etc. to emphasise your understanding of the topic.
Don't go too far off track. Decide on a simple premise. For example, they may ask you to write a conversation between two characters from two texts you've studied. That doesn't mean you have to stick to those two characters, but decide on a way to develop the plot so it doesn't get too complicated but doesn't stagnate. Introduce theorists to talk about their work if you like.
Refer to your related texts. It may not be specifically requested but you will not lose any marks by showing that you've done some research and know what the results of your research implies.
Finally, don't stress about it being creative. Creativity means putting theory in a fairytale. If you can't think of any ideas go back to the core concepts of your module and express them using fictional (or real) characters, situations, places, etc. Use established ideas if you must. Create a different context for those ideas - rather than lumping them in an essay, put them on a plane to Uzbekhistan(sp?).
Hope your last minute study is going well
I did postmodernism and this is my technique for writing a Successful Creative Response.
Firstly, know your capability at writing creatively under pressure, and know your exam technique. Decide whether you want to write it first or last (or not at all.. haha!) - preferably after you've read the question. Know how much you can write in the time you're given and stick to that. DO NOT go off on some grand narrative if you DO NOT HAVE THE TIME.
Creative responses are interesting in many contexts because you can both ramble about the knowledge you've gained as well as applying it to show how it can be used. For Postmodernism this involves using postmodern techniques to talk about postmodern techniques; using postmodern techniques to illustrate a point; talking about postmodern theorists, etc. For Crime Fiction I would assume you use Crime Fiction stereotypes, plot techniques etc. to emphasise your understanding of the topic.
Don't go too far off track. Decide on a simple premise. For example, they may ask you to write a conversation between two characters from two texts you've studied. That doesn't mean you have to stick to those two characters, but decide on a way to develop the plot so it doesn't get too complicated but doesn't stagnate. Introduce theorists to talk about their work if you like.
Refer to your related texts. It may not be specifically requested but you will not lose any marks by showing that you've done some research and know what the results of your research implies.
Finally, don't stress about it being creative. Creativity means putting theory in a fairytale. If you can't think of any ideas go back to the core concepts of your module and express them using fictional (or real) characters, situations, places, etc. Use established ideas if you must. Create a different context for those ideas - rather than lumping them in an essay, put them on a plane to Uzbekhistan(sp?).
Hope your last minute study is going well