Criminals posing as police pull over man, rob and rape ensues (1 Viewer)


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
how thats for a title!
Young man assaulted after car chase said:
A 22-year-old man has been sexually assaulted and robbed by three men following a car chase north of Sydney, police say.

The man was driving south on the F3 Freeway at Tuggerah about 11pm (AEDT) on Saturday when he was pulled over by a car containing three men, one of whom claimed to be a police officer.

When he refused to produce his ID the young man drove off, but the three men pursued him and forced him off the road a short time later.

One man attacked the driver, forcing him into the passenger seat of his own car before sexually assaulting him, police said.

He then stole the victim's ATM card and forced him to reveal his PIN.

The 22-year-old was taken to Foreshore Reserve at Canton Beach, where he was released by his attackers, who drove off in his 1993-model silver Corolla sedan.

A passer-by took the young man to The Entrance police station, police said.

Police have located the victim's vehicle, which had been burnt out, near the fisheries co-operative in Wallarah Road, Gorokan.
[This could have happened to you when the unmarked car pulled u over for doing 45k+ Pierotte]
This really pisses me off, In some states of America it is illegal for an unmarked police car to pull over people for minor offenses.
Do you know why? because this shit used to go on alot, any rapist with a set of lights would go behind a womans car at night, turn them on and pull her over. If he had a uniform he could even get her to step outside of the car before raping and/or murdering her, hence the laws

This is one of the most shocking examples of why this law should exist, a man brutally bashed, raped and robbed all because he thought he was doing the right thing by stopping for the police.

I beleive it is high time for similar laws to be introduced in Australia, I for one do not feel safe pulling over in a quiet street at night, even if the car is marked



Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Who sais it was someone posing as a police officer? Probably was a police officer.


Jan 29, 2005
Heard about this.

Apparently police warned to only pull over for cars with flashing red and blue lights.
Even if it is unmarked.

Which is silly...anyone can gain access to red and blue lights.


Feb 1, 2006
Something about the story seems fishy.

It's unlikely that someone would ram a female off the road to rape them, let alone a male.. Especially if he was in company (sexually assaulting a bloke means that the offender would be homosexual.. That would be a tad embarrasing in front of his friends).

And no Serius, similar laws don't need to be introduced here, because we aren't America, we are Australia, and this stuff doesn't happen all the time.

One incident every blue moon doesn't mean that police should lose functionality (in the form of an unmarked highway patrol car which has great importance elsewhere).


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
Bachelor of policing eh now i understand ;)

i think you have alot of guts to go into policework, i have family in that field and it is a tough job, i have alot of respect for the police.

That said, i think unmarked police cars can be dangerous because of the situation they create, and that situation has been exploited in America, and it seems its going to be exploited here aswell

I dont know if anything was fishy about the story, the stole his car, accessed his account, beat him up and raped him, they had alot to gain from it, and it doensnt necessarily mean the bloke was homosexual i.w prison, rape isnt usually a sex crime its a powercrime and its just about the worst thing you cando to a bloke

maybe there is something fishy about the story, i trust your judgment on this alot more than mine considering you are going to become a cop

i however beleive it cause i saw it on national nine news then i looked on net for a link to show everyone i am not making it up


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Same, i know everyone sais "when you're in trouble who do you call?"
The answer is always "police", without police there is "anarchy".
I agree with that too.

But what happens when you get a police officer whos been on the force for just 5 years and has built a stereotype of certain people that they deal with on "request". They start pulling some superiority shit on your ass.

Corrupt police is like nothing else; guess you'll never know till it happens to you or someone you know.

Hey Optophobia, How about you do a study; ask your BPolicing buddies something like; "Dont You just hate those arab ****'s or, Dont you Just hate those Asians" tell me if you dont get atleast one; "Yeah, i hate them".
And those are the ones still in uni! Imagine 5 years on the streets!?

When you do you'll see it from my perspective; in my opinion police should have to undergo more stringent selection; just like there are alot of people who would do corrupt shit; you better believe if only 1 out of 2,000 police would do that sorta shit; and that stuff just doesn't leave you... it stays with you.

You get into the whole **** the police attitude when that happens to you. Making it harder on other police.

Point being police aren't perfect.

Back on topic; why should police have so much power? eg; (unmarked cars)?
They already now have power to arrest without warrant; power to check any car; power to confiscate any car they deem "suspcious";

The more power you give to someone the more power they have to abuse;

(Abuse by police is worse then criminal abuse; In my opinion. Cause you kinda feel like shit when the people you pay for are beating your ass.)


Active Member
May 29, 2003
La La Land
Optophobia said:
Something about the story seems fishy.

It's unlikely that someone would ram a female off the road to rape them, let alone a male.. Especially if he was in company (sexually assaulting a bloke means that the offender would be homosexual.. That would be a tad embarrasing in front of his friends).

And no Serius, similar laws don't need to be introduced here, because we aren't America, we are Australia, and this stuff doesn't happen all the time.

One incident every blue moon doesn't mean that police should lose functionality (in the form of an unmarked highway patrol car which has great importance elsewhere).
If no such laws in this country exists, I would strongly agree to looking into it more and attempt to implement something similar to the American system.

One incident every blue moon is more than enough to trigger some sort of consideration. You make it sound insignificant. It is terrifying to know that someone who may join the police force thinks like that.

Police will not lose functionality just because they are restricted to stopping people for minor offences. Minor offences are not a priority to either the State or society. Police already have discretion as to whether or not they want to stop, arrest or charge someone anyway, so it is no big deal if they cannot stop someone for summary offences. Police discretion is given common law authority in R v Metropolitan Police Commissioner; ex p Blackburn [1968] All ER 763.
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New Member
Mar 22, 2006
:eek: Santaslayer....thats...very I would like to join the police but... from what I've heard, not many people are happy about the the blue guys. Their explanations include, abuse of power and.... Well, I think thats it.

Just wanted to say this:
I had an inkling that things could get more chaotic in the future, so I asked some people whether it would be more peacefull in the future (this was in the beginning of 2004), and the majority said that it should be, with a decrease in crime rates and so forth, then guess what, krunula(sorry don't now how to spell that one..) riots occured, which wasn't really any better. The two 14 y.o. murderers, who killed the taxi driver.... and many more.... The world seems to be getting worse, don't you think so?


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
no i dont think so, Cronulla globally was a very small event, we had like what 10 people injured at the actual riots? no deaths? hey if this happened in Paris or anywhere in europe for that matter, it wouldnt be called a riot, it would be called a family day out! god in one night of schoolies there was more injured and arrests than at cronulla

14 yr old murderers are a freak occurance, one that is going to happen more often as th population increases sure but the rate of crime per 100 000 is going down

If you think you can handle it i would suggest joining the police force, my brother is interested and iam encouraging him

although iam hesitant to make laws that restrict police even more in some areas and give them free reign[opening the doors for corruption] in other areas, i would strongly reccomend adopting a law similiar to what many states in america have allready implimented, that is that at night time[in some states its anytime] an unmarked policecar cannot make you pull over


New Member
Mar 22, 2006
no i dont think so, Cronulla globally was a very small event, we had like what 10 people injured at the actual riots? no deaths? hey if this happened in Paris or anywhere in europe for that matter, it wouldnt be called a riot, it would be called a family day out! god in one night of schoolies there was more injured and arrests than at cronulla
:uhhuh:hahaha! LoL, family day out.

I guess so. You could look at it that way. :uhhuh:


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
so yeah lets petition to have laws made! w00t, no more being pulled over by unmarked cars!


Feb 1, 2006
sam04u said:
But what happens when you get a police officer whos been on the force for just 5 years and has built a stereotype of certain people that they deal with on "request". They start pulling some superiority shit on your ass.

Hey Optophobia, How about you do a study; ask your BPolicing buddies something like; "Dont You just hate those arab ****'s or, Dont you Just hate those Asians" tell me if you dont get atleast one; "Yeah, i hate them".
I wont ask someone if they hate asians or arabs, because people don't talk like that. People in the current climate are willing to over look their differences. Over policing amongst disadvantaged communities is a problem, but i would hate to see the state of society should the police leave.
sam04u said:
And those are the ones still in uni! Imagine 5 years on the streets!?
What are you talking about? What relevance does this have to this thread?

Meh.. Anyway.. Racism exists everywhere, and there are adequate protections in place for people so that this doesn’t impact too much on anyones life. Generally, people who are targeted, deserve it. Generally, they wont be targetted on racial grounds (you cant create thought police and get rid of every racist police officer, its just not practical) because people can see past those sorts of things.

I have never been confronted by the police in my life. People who are confronted again and again, aren’t confronted because they are selling cookies without paying taxes. Yes, the persons culture may create conditions in which they are more likely to commit certain crimes, but you shouldnt expect society to lay down and play dead just because the person is from another culture. We have a thing called the rule of law in Australia.. The law applies to everybody equally.
When you do you'll see it from my perspective; in my opinion police should have to undergo more stringent selection; just like there are alot of people who would do corrupt shit; you better believe if only 1 out of 2,000 police would do that sorta shit; and that stuff just doesn't leave you... it stays with you.
Stringent selection? How would you make it more stringent? Also, bare in mind that what ever it is that you are trying to cancel out by making it more stringent will continue to exist anyway (racism, corruption, brutality etc. Power corrupts people absolutely. Again, we have commissions and people to deal with that when detected).
You get into the whole **** the police attitude when that happens to you. Making it harder on other police.
be good, stay at home, and you will never see a police officer. Don’t pull the “the cops are hard on me :’( “ bull crap because no one really falls for it.
Back on topic; why should police have so much power? eg; (unmarked cars)?
To detect crime and for extra operational abilities.
They already now have power to arrest without warrant;
Only if someone is actually committing an offence etc. And this is a power that would be unrealistic to take away from the police.
power to check any car;
For weapons, drugs and terrorism related stuff.. Once again, unless you are guilty, you a) don’t have anything to fear by being searched and b) more than likely won’t be searched.
power to confiscate any car they deem "suspcious";
They can confiscate cars which have been used in street racing. This power isn’t strong enough in my opinion.
The more power you give to someone the more power they have to abuse;
The less power you give to the police, the more ability criminals have to wreak havoc.
(Abuse by police is worse then criminal abuse; In my opinion. Cause you kinda feel like shit when the people you pay for are beating your ass.)
A police officer hitting someone over the head with a telephone book is much more justified than a paedophile raping a baby..

santaslayer said:
If no such laws in this country exists, I would strongly agree to looking into it more and attempt to implement something similar to the American system.
Australian society is not as broadly psychopathic as the USA is.. And hence we don’t need such laws.

santaslayer said:
One incident every blue moon is more than enough to trigger some sort of consideration.
So, because one deviate (in however many years we’ve had under cover police for) supposedly commits a crime, a whole level of functionality should be lost by the police? I think not.

Also, compare the amount of people being sexually assaulted by people pretending to be cops, with the amount that are being sexually assaulted in other circumstances. There are thousands of sexual assaults.
santaslayer said:
You make it sound insignificant. It is terrifying to know that someone who may join the police force thinks like that.
No, I’m thinking realistically. People like you think “oh ok, someone abused this.. I think its time that the police los this ability.. so that it could never possibly happen again”. Its unlikely that it will happen again. It isn’t even common place.
santaslayer said:
Police will not lose functionality just because they are restricted to stopping people for minor offences. Minor offences are not a priority to either the State or society.
yes they will lose functionality. The “minor” offences exist for a reason, and can be enforced.
santaslayer said:
Police already have discretion as to whether or not they want to stop, arrest or charge someone anyway, so it is no big deal if they cannot stop someone for summary offences. Police discretion is given common law authority in R v Metropolitan Police Commissioner; ex p Blackburn [1968] All ER 763.
… ok.


Mar 13, 2006
Oompaloompa land
This same thing almost happened in Orange but the woman refused to pull over. Is what she did was she called the police station and asked if they had an unmarked car in the area to which they replied there were no unmarked cars in orange at the time. So she didnt stop. They caught up with the man the next day and found that he had just rapped a woman by doing the same thing the night before. So apparantly you dont have to pull over unmarked cars if you see one. If you fell you must, ring the police and ask if there is one. The stupid thing is, noone knows of this law.


Feb 1, 2006
Gangels said:
This same thing almost happened in Orange but the woman refused to pull over. Is what she did was she called the police station and asked if they had an unmarked car in the area to which they replied there were no unmarked cars in orange at the time. So she didnt stop. They caught up with the man the next day and found that he had just rapped a woman by doing the same thing the night before. So apparantly you dont have to pull over unmarked cars if you see one. If you fell you must, ring the police and ask if there is one. The stupid thing is, noone knows of this law.
The stories which come from rural towns are always funny.

Do you have a news story about this incident, or do you know about it from.. word of mouth?

There is no law that says that a person doesn't have to pull over for an under-cover cop, in fact it states the opposite.

If you want to look at it pedantically: you can be issued an infringement notice for using your mobile phone whilst driving :p


Mar 13, 2006
Oompaloompa land
Optophobia said:
The stories which come from rural towns are always funny.

Do you have a news story about this incident, or do you know about it from.. word of mouth?

There is no law that says that a person doesn't have to pull over for an under-cover cop, in fact it states the opposite.

If you want to look at it pedantically: you can be issued an infringement notice for using your mobile phone whilst driving :p
HEHE, thats a good point, but this happened only 6 months ago and the police wanted to clearly state this law and make sure everyone understood it. It was huge in the paper, the rural paper anyway, The CWD


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Optophobia said:
I wont ask someone if they hate asians or arabs, because people don't talk like that. People in the current climate are willing to over look their differences. Over policing amongst disadvantaged communities is a problem, but i would hate to see the state of society should the police leave.
What are you talking about? What relevance does this have to this thread?

Meh.. Anyway.. Racism exists everywhere, and there are adequate protections in place for people so that this doesn’t impact too much on anyones life. Generally, people who are targeted, deserve it. Generally, they wont be targetted on racial grounds (you cant create thought police and get rid of every racist police officer, its just not practical) because people can see past those sorts of things.

I have never been confronted by the police in my life. People who are confronted again and again, aren’t confronted because they are selling cookies without paying taxes. Yes, the persons culture may create conditions in which they are more likely to commit certain crimes, but you shouldnt expect society to lay down and play dead just because the person is from another culture. We have a thing called the rule of law in Australia.. The law applies to everybody equally.

Stringent selection? How would you make it more stringent? Also, bare in mind that what ever it is that you are trying to cancel out by making it more stringent will continue to exist anyway (racism, corruption, brutality etc. Power corrupts people absolutely. Again, we have commissions and people to deal with that when detected).
be good, stay at home, and you will never see a police officer. Don’t pull the “the cops are hard on me :’( “ bull crap because no one really falls for it.

To detect crime and for extra operational abilities.
Only if someone is actually committing an offence etc. And this is a power that would be unrealistic to take away from the police.

For weapons, drugs and terrorism related stuff.. Once again, unless you are guilty, you a) don’t have anything to fear by being searched and b) more than likely won’t be searched.

They can confiscate cars which have been used in street racing. This power isn’t strong enough in my opinion.

The less power you give to the police, the more ability criminals have to wreak havoc.

A police officer hitting someone over the head with a telephone book is much more justified than a paedophile raping a baby..

Australian society is not as broadly psychopathic as the USA is.. And hence we don’t need such laws.

So, because one deviate (in however many years we’ve had under cover police for) supposedly commits a crime, a whole level of functionality should be lost by the police? I think not.

Also, compare the amount of people being sexually assaulted by people pretending to be cops, with the amount that are being sexually assaulted in other circumstances. There are thousands of sexual assaults.

No, I’m thinking realistically. People like you think “oh ok, someone abused this.. I think its time that the police los this ability.. so that it could never possibly happen again”. Its unlikely that it will happen again. It isn’t even common place.

yes they will lose functionality. The “minor” offences exist for a reason, and can be enforced.

… ok.
Unbelieveable... and its likely your going to be a police officer...
I'm not talking about over policing... I'm talking about being stopped almost "every time" I'm in the view of a officer patrolling the streets. Once I was stopped twice... in the same day... asked the same questions....

"where are you going?"
"what's in your pockets?"
"what's your name?"
Etc; Etc....

It's demeaning to be stereo-typed because of your appearance... I'm not saying "give the police no powers"... It's just that police officers use their discretion way to much... (generally)... I suggest that actual police should be tested properly... Because corrupted cops; are more detrimental to a society then petty criminals. What could a 15-18 Year old Male possibly be doing?

I got to admit though... most police are good... & its rare stories with spaces in between when this stuff happens.
But theres still going to be criminals; still going to be corrupted cops who discriminate, and allow crime... some accept bribes, etc.

Making entry into the police force should be more stringent.... it would be benefficial to society... especially when about 2/5th of all patrolling officers have "back-hand contracts" with criminals....

Here are some examples; "true ones which have happened to me".

1. Was late to getting my little sister from school; double parked and ran down (less then 2 minutes...) Fined.

2. Slightly Speeding to go to a "hospital" (usually they let people off for that... ) Fined.

3. Being pulled over for minor car violations and fined... eg; m. glass dice... etc.

Yet, I know people who have done the same things... and been let off.

Also your groundless assumption that only criminals deal with police is stupid... I hope you don't believe that... I admit police aren't all criminals... but alot are involved in that stuff... (you don't know any yet? well I do).
Alot of police have stereo-type... Like being stopped and questioned.... because i was wearing sports clothes and a bandana? (I don't see why else they picked me out of the entire street... I was just going to the butcher to get meat...?

Also.. you contradict yourself Mr. PoPo!
If power corrups absolutely! then why should police have so much of it!? to stop petty crimes like.. drug abuse? They don't have the ammount of power to plea bargain in anonymity with the people they see using drugs anyway... usually they focus on the people using them and do minor charges on them... Instead of focussing on the people cultivating and trafficking it. Sometimes police are "involved!!".

Maybe now thats you're still studying you don't know....
However, I've got to admit.. police do maintain order.. and are usually very nice.

But, 1/100 ruin it for the rest of them.


Feb 1, 2006
sam04u said:
Unbelieveable... and its likely your going to be a police officer...
I'm not talking about over policing... I'm talking about being stopped almost "every time" I'm in the view of a officer patrolling the streets. Once I was stopped twice... in the same day... asked the same questions....

"where are you going?"
"what's in your pockets?"
"what's your name?"
Etc; Etc....
They would only do that with a good reason. You should stop looking so guilty.
sam04u said:
What could a 15-18 Year old Male possibly be doing?
.. quite a lot.
sam04u said:
Making entry into the police force should be more stringent....
sam04u said:
it would be benefficial to society... especially when about 2/5th of all patrolling officers have "back-hand contracts" with criminals....
2/5? I don't think so.

sam04u said:
Here are some examples; "true ones which have happened to me".

1. Was late to getting my little sister from school; double parked and ran down (less then 2 minutes...) Fined.

2. Slightly Speeding to go to a "hospital" (usually they let people off for that... ) Fined.

3. Being pulled over for minor car violations and fined... eg; m. glass dice... etc.
And on each occasion you were breaking the law...
sam04u said:
Also.. you contradict yourself Mr. PoPo!
If power corrups absolutely! then why should police have so much of it!?
Because if they don't, than the criminals do.
sam04u said:
to stop petty crimes like.. drug abuse?
Petty crime... Drug abuse.. ?
sam04u said:
But, 1/100 ruin it for the rest of them.
That's life.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
A man has been charged over an attack on a motorist who was robbed, sexually assaulted and had all his fingers broken after he was stopped on a NSW highway.
The 28-year-old man handed himself over to police yesterday in connection with an attack on March 25 by three men claiming to be police officers.
Police allege the 22-year-old victim was driving on the F3 through Tuggerah, on the NSW central coast, when three men signalled with their car headlights for him to pull over.
One of the men identified himself as a police officer, but when the driver's demands to see police ID were refused he drove off.
The trio then allegedly pursued him, forcing him off the road.
He was allegedly forced into the passenger seat of his car by one of the men before being taken to another area where he was robbed, bashed and sexually assaulted.
His ATM card was stolen and he was forced to reveal his PIN, police say.
Police said the alleged victim was then taken to Foreshore Reserve at Canton Beach where he was released by his alleged attackers, who drove off in his 1993-model silver Corolla sedan.
The man interviewed at Toukley police station was charged with robbery in company causing wounding, aggravated kidnapping and disqualified driving. He was refused bail and will appear in Wyong Local Court today.
Detectives are searching for his two alleged accomplices.


*Procrastination Central*
Mar 27, 2004
Central Coast
It was majorly scary for the people who live there (ie. me). We were walking back from the RSL while this was going on... Worrying to think about what could've happened


Active Member
May 29, 2003
La La Land
hmmm interesting...

have an assignment due on police powers so thought id come back to BoS to see if i could find the piece of legislation i talked about...

might come back for more discussion later...

after the assingment maybe. :p

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