what bullshit, there has been no deaths yet, certainly not a muslim girl, its all just bullshit trying to hype up the lebs
the most casualties are from the aussie side so far, and people are all like " iam ashamed to be an aussie" WTF? how about those fucking lebs who arent starting this stand up and say they are ashamed to be lebanese! I have heard a shitload of people saying they are discusted by how the aussies acted on sunday, and say they are ashamed to be australian
and all i have heard from the lebs is how they have been victimised, not how they are ashamed that their race is sending people to hopsital, smashing property, assulting police [ please dont try and tell me that there were aussies involved at the mosque, plenty of police were assulted there and it was all by msulims... islam a peaceful religion I THINK NOT]
these lebs are fucked, they either need to get so badly punished that they dont form gangs again and are scared to come to our beaches in groups larger than 3, or if they cant except that this ocuntry hates their attitude, and htink that they still need to fight back and cause revenge, they can leave... we dont want them here, and if they dont leave they can face life in prison or the cp.