My response pretty much: Human Trafficking and Slavery
The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons: Some statistic about increase in number of countries seriously implementing protocol therefore enforcing-->showing increased commitment/changing values.
Criminal Code (Slavery and Sexual Servitude) Amendment Act: Introduction resultes in 13 convictions, 4 awaiting trial. R v Wei Tang (2006) And how the reforms were created to enforce HR-->increased commitment due to intolerance towards crime.
UN.GIFT: Promotion. Stat about 30% in number of countries specifying HT&S as specific offence-->increased political commitment therefore showing non-legal response promoted enforcement of HR due to changing values.
Yeah i linked changing values somehow.
The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons: Some statistic about increase in number of countries seriously implementing protocol therefore enforcing-->showing increased commitment/changing values.
Criminal Code (Slavery and Sexual Servitude) Amendment Act: Introduction resultes in 13 convictions, 4 awaiting trial. R v Wei Tang (2006) And how the reforms were created to enforce HR-->increased commitment due to intolerance towards crime.
UN.GIFT: Promotion. Stat about 30% in number of countries specifying HT&S as specific offence-->increased political commitment therefore showing non-legal response promoted enforcement of HR due to changing values.
Yeah i linked changing values somehow.