wogboy said:
The problem with enrolling in SENG2010, is that myUNSW is still set on the old co-requisties of SENG2010+INFS2603+COMP2110.
This is supposed to be changed as of, well quite some time ago, but the administration people are being FU%K!NG SLACK and taking there time at it.
The new co-requisties should be SENG2010+INFS2603+COMP2111.
So at this time, you can enrol in INFS2603, COMP2111.
Since this is an isolated incident, and only affects SENGERS enrolling into Year 2, Semester 1, this should not be too much of a problem, since were not losing lab times or things such as that, just wait it out, and SPAM KEN
Note: If you failed SENG1010/1020, then obviously when the new co-requisties are updated, you still won't be able to enrol.
To explain why, 1 person is enrolled in SENG2010, is that they have tried to elect to take the old STREAM of SENG, and enrolled in SENG2010+INFS2603+COMP2110, etc.
That is there choice, but considering, 1 of the courses in the old stream does not run this semester anymore (or well, has been changed from being active to STOP enrolment), they will eventually forced out of there enrolment of the old stream to the new stream.
And I know whom is enrolled in it. It's not me. But im not going to reveal there name, cause it may be seen as ostracizing them.
On a similar issue, the enrolment of SENG2020. This conflicts with COMP3710, again this is a isolated incident, and KEN e-mailed all the sengers, that this would be fixed in the new year. Well apparently, another wait it out / SPAM KEN
Note: Spam KEN