I took like 55mins to do Mod B and then around 50 to do C leaving me with 15 mins... i was stressing out because I couldn't find my question and I kept flicking through section I so i just ended up doing the first question for like 10 mins :S
Am I going to get any marks even though I answered a different q but still wrote about my text? (frank/br)
There's no use in worrying about it anymore, it's all over now.
You can still do well in other subjects and even it out. Remember that while you might think the HSC is the end of the world, there is a life after the HSC lol.
You're obviously a very bad troll or something (at least I hope), coz people who believe that they only pick your best 2 sections for English Paper 2 are fucking retarded... everyone knows (or SHOULD know) they dont do that, there is absolutely no point in making students write 3 essays in 2 hours if one of them was going to be irrelevant in terms of final marks...
We were advised by our teachers to fold the corners immediately after reading time.
A supervisor snapped and warned a poor Standard student when she folded her corners during reading time..