, that was the only post that i havnt been serious.
Ok heres my thoughts on this matter:
They are similar in nature
For a differential backup to occur, an incrimental backup must have occured previously.
An incrimental backup takes every piece of data and stores it on one of the following storage medium:
-Floppy Disk [1.4MB]
-Quater-inch tabe [2GB]
-CD-R/RW [650MB]
Most commonly used medium would be removable hard disks as these store from 6 - 50 GB, and are very fast direct access. Also, are relatively inexpensive.
A differential backup takes the data and stores it in a temporary file, and compares the differences between the temporary data and the data from the last incrimental backup.
The difference between the two is overwritten onto the datastorage from the last incrimental backup UNLESS you are using Grandfather-Father-Son storage where you would copy the incrimental and then write over that with the different data on a different piece of storage medium.
Sorry for all the technical terms..