I'm doing a B.Languages at UNE, which isnt exactly what you're asking about, but it's closer than nothing. The Diploma of Languages is also on offer at UNE.
So, as I said, I'm at UNE - Armidale. They have a very good Languages department. I'm studying two languages, as is expected with B.Lang, and they are French major and Italian minor. I am doing this degree because it shows better career prospects as compared to B/Arts in Languages, and I also have to spend a year overseas. And do I enjoy it? Definately! It is a lot of work, as it is with learning any language, but it is well worth it. You'll have the ability to travel far and to understand the culture and people (and language) a bit better for studying languages previously.
I would definately recommend learning a language.
I know this isnt exactly what you wanted, but I hope it helps nonetheless.