Ok, WHAT!? I actually MADE a profile on this site so i could reply to this.Davriel said:Not weird at all. Generally women will date older guys because they're more mature. Most 17 year old guys are still trading cards. Mind you, however, that just because some is mature doesn't mean you shouldn't be a little concerned if he's devoting all his life to you.
I'm 17, in year 11 and fed up with all this crap about girls maturing faster than guys do. Just because guys dont date girls who are 11 years older than them (fucking attrocious) doesn't mean we aren't mature. Girls just THINK they're mature, guys know exactly how mature we are but we also know the limits of our maturity, whereas most of the girls in my year think theyre adults. Which is why they go for older guys.
A 28 year old guy going for a 17 year old girl tells me one thing. The guy is a fucking loser, or lazy. He would have had to put very little effort in with you because simply being that age to you is attractive. Its just sad. Youre getting played, and im sure youll probably think 'oh no he says he cares and hes so sweet' blah blah blah... its all probably a great big fucking act to try and get an easy booty call. You wouldnt be the first or the last person that has happened to.
imsickofyear12, i like you. I know you don't care because im 'just a kid' but i agree with what you're saying and i know that in 3 years time i'll look back and realise how immature i was because i do it now with the year 9 and 10 people, but yknow what? I don't give a shit. I intend to enjoy my adolescence rather than struggling to grow up like this halfwit girl is by dating a guy in his 20's. I just go with it. I take my maturity as it comes and learn from whatever i do, and i don't kid myself about being 'all grown up'. It's a damn fine existance i'm telling you, theres none of this 'identity crisis' crap.
Summary: Niix, you are a moron. This guy's probably thinking "SCORE!" because you're so wrapped with him, your parents approve of him and he gets some minimal-effort action, which he needs because he's probably a failure with women his own age.
imsickifyear12: I like you but you need to get off your soapbox. All i'm seeing is 'blah blah blah blah maturity blah blah blah, im older than you'. I'll admit that niix is being especially childish but yknow i dont go around telling all the year 7 guys at my school what to do do i?