=Mike B= said:
No not really... Hmm... Nup not at all
Dont you guys get put off by the minute number of jobs available? Im not saying that u shouldnt try because its more than just getting a job but... ?
Why do you like it so much?
by minute number of jobs available u mean for music graduates and the like? the unemployment rate is like 40% or something...
why do we like it so much?
I like music, because i find that its the easiest and more fun way of expressing myself. Music is a pure way of expressing ones self, Jazz especially
i just have SO much fun in music, playing, composing, arranging, practice, peforming, etc. EVERYTHING its just so much fun. Music means so much to me, its like my life. i honeslty couldn't live without it.
I mean dont' you hear a great piece of music and want to play it? then u play it and u want to peform it, so u practice it, then u want to compose something like it, etc.. its all linked and everything is just as fun as everything else
i don't care if i only make enough to get by in Life. at least i will be Having fun and enjoying myself and most importantly EXPRESSING my self in a way that workss for me. I think life is about having fun, and enjoying as much of it as possible. live life to the fullest because thats what your meant to do. Music for me is living life to the fullest