I believe in adam and eve. eve was blakc though not all anglo the both of them.
And adam was a prophet of allah. That's hwo we get the devil, Iblis we call him. Sea is his domain. Therefore salt is repelent, this is where salt comes from. I know pagans were using it before muslims. But knwledge gets forgoten and mixed up and passed round, and jinn whisper htings in people ears, tellign them thigns they did not know or weren't supposed to sort of thing. They tell secrets.
ANyway, iblis didn't bow to adam becuase he was made of mud, clay and water, whiel he was amde of fire, adn thought himself superior to such a thing. Therefore, punsihsemnt is to go to hell, but he has a chance to go to heaven beucase god is merciful. When judgment day comes, he'll be given a cahcne to redeem himself. Allah will ask him to bow to adam as he should have and he will be forgiven for his wrong as he knwos he is and got o heaven,. but only if he really believes and feels sucha hting in his heart. Goes knows he won't but becuase he is merciful he'll still give iblis the benifit of hte doubt and ask him.