Hi 3unitz , that was a great post. Im not being sarcastic, Im sorry I think i DID misunderstand you before.3unitz said:i understand your perspective, i was brought up in church, i believed in god, and i know the bible and how you interpret it as well as the majority of christians, perhaps even yourself.
this may or may not be aimed at you, but its for the majority of christians i have come across, since youre christian you might be able to give me an answer, plus i just want to get this off my chest first:
can i ask what makes you think you are interpreting the bible correctly? i like micah 6:8 "he has showed you, o man, what is good. and what does the lord require of you? to act justly and to love mercy and to walk with your god"
i dont really have a problem with christians, i know they mean well, but its just that the majority of them think they have all the answers because their interpretation of the bible, and only theirs, is right. maybe im missing something here but the fact that the bible is mainly written in metaphors means that it's inevitable for branching and church divisions, differing belief systems and religious views.
i mean, do you even have any knowledge whatsoever on the history of christian culture? do you even know who introduced the idea of the trinity? how the new testament was put together? the context in which the books were written? the context behind genesis? for what purpose genesis was written? do you even recognise the literary techniques and metaphors used in genesis?
im saying this because i want justification for christians claiming evolution is a lie, from the devil etc, even the fact that many christians dont believe in evolution, yet are completely uneducated in what it even is, seems completely hypocritical. going back to micah 6:8, since you like your bible quotes, and i do realise this is old testament and youve probably never even heard of micah (OLD TESTAMENT), but, to me, and my interpretation of this verse, is that god is saying he really doesnt care what you do, as long as youre acting justly and out of love.
romans 14:17 "for the kingdom of god is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace and joy in the holy spirit, because anyone who serves christ in this way is pleasing to god and approved by men", nothing about waging war on science is there? in fact it goes on to say, verse 19: "let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification". give to science what is of science, and give to god what is gods. like i said i have no problem with people who believe in god, but seriously, the bible doesnt give you permission to attack fundamental corner stones of biology and chemistry (NOTE: i am not saying that you were, but it hopefully gives you something to think about, as many christians believe its of satan).
this is all i really care about, sorry i got side tracked, youre probably not going to read this anyway, thanks.
I love that verse you quoted , its one of my favourites
I just wanted to quickly post now , because i have assesments due, so I wont be able to write for a while...but i wanted to let you know I have read it and ill reply when I can.
Thanks for replying to me.