Does God exist? (1 Viewer)

do you believe in god?

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Active Member
Nov 16, 2014
I will address by topic rather than specific objection. I may miss things but due to time limitations. I also prefer not to copy and paste stuff from Christian apologetical websites either, as some may not be helpful.
Please do.

Good copy/paste right there. The fallacy "of putting words in my mouth" - not good.
What did I copy paste? What words did I put in your mouth?
Be clear

Firstly, Hinduism itself isn't as well-defined a religion as Christianity.
Please elaborate

I haven't studied it in too much detail, probably because Hinduism is a incredibly more diverse religion than Christianity.
Correct (imo)

Hinduism only really defines the end goal, and whatever means is felt to be appropriate for the individual to reach this ultimate reality, it has underpinnings of modified relativism.
Hinduism deals with common issues in society, economics, astronomy, mathematics, existential questions, logic , nature and even song/dance.

Also unlike Christians, some forms of Hinduism and Buddhism, all say strongly "don't argue about different religions/doctrines, there is only one." Christianity rejects such a position strongly.
Baseless claim.
Provide me a quote please.

SO be careful with equivocating systems of belief/though which are radically different.
I am not saying hinduism = christianity.
Here is what I AM doing
1. Dan provides evidence for why he thinks Jesus exists, ressurection etc etc
2. Sam provides similar, if not the exact same evidence for why Krishna exists, rebirth etc etc

My challenge: Can you provide me with a single form of proof that cannot be applied in hinduism instead?

Some other points, be careful also as many internet blogs lack in depth research/evidence to support the comparisons made. If they are taking texts like the bible in the manner I have seen others use, then that is deeply problematic. It is one thing to say the Bible is true or not, granted. It is another, to misquote Jesus/the Bible, or strip sentences of their context/purpose and the other things that every piece of literature, regardless of whether it is true or not.
Point noted.

Secondly in your argument against (2), you argue it is the Bible therefore it cannot be considered evidence. Well I think the Bible has to be considered properly, since it does make such claims.
If you consider the bible evidence, I consider the Quran evidence, or te Gita evidence.

Thirdly, I don't think I would personally use majority of those arguments. I will outline ones which I would use, I personally won't bother launching into a full in-depth discussion, considering you are not even convinced from the sound of it that Jesus existed.
I am not convinced because you have not given me any proof of your claim that "the majority of scholars/historians agree that jesus existed"
You linked me some article from an ethiest explaining his point of view...

> Preservation of New Testament --> other texts including those of historical figures whom not one disputes the facts of, are not nearly as well-documented in terms of preservation
So how does the fact that a text is preserved well give any weight to its claims?

(BTW, to say that the bible is more/less preserved than the Quaran will give rise to an endless debate. Google it, but there is no real solution. Nobody really knows if the bible is better preserved, or if the Quran is better preserved)

> Closeness of New Testament to events mentioned --> disproves idea that Jesus theology was developed later
Do not understand this point, can't seem to find anything on google which leads to this conclusion.
Elaborate pls

> Assessment of the claims of Jesus ---> only relevant for those such as Muslims who deny Christ

> Independent eyewitness accounts of the account, including 500 individuals --> this disproves the halluncination theory, as it doesn't fit the data
Can you tell me where I can find 500 individual eyewitness accounts of the ressurection in the bible?

Similar to the 500+ individuals in the battle of kurukshetra.
Again. Not saying hinduism = christianity
Dan: 500 people said they Jesus ressurect it happen!
Sam: 500 people said they saw Krishna ressurect too!

> Empty tomb not accounted for. --> why couldn't the Jews produce a body?
Similarly, no body of Krishna was found

> The disciples state changes positively --> causes doubt for the claim the disciples stole the body, and disproves the swoon theory, to a major degree.
Also The disciples (Gopis) state in the Bhagvad gita changes positively

> The radical conversion of Paul
The radical conversion of Arjuna

Somehow we have to synthesis different things. The resurrection is a plausible explanation and best explanation that fits the data.
I can think of other plausible explanations which do not disobey the laws of physics

Now of course, you may argue that other claims from other religions do the same. However, I wouldn't know the details of such claims. I personally am not too aware of the Vedas, in terms of when they were written.
You can do either of two things
1. Disagree that the evidence is the same from other religions, on which I can provide you quotes/links etc
2. Agree that other religioins also have similar evidence (For which you have to deal with the question, then why beleive in christ? Why not allah? )

You are inferring that God can treat sinners in the same way all the time.
This is a false projection onto what God is like.
My bad
Just seems a bit off that
1. God let his son die and undertook so much pain to clear our sins
2. God killed us because we sinned
Seems to me god is conflicted
In 1) He sacrifices himself for us sinners
in 2) He murders all the sinners

God does exercise the right to wipe out all of humanity in an instance. The reason he doesn't in particular reasons, is to give people a chance to repent for instance.
God created sin and sinners
God created a world where we sin and are born with a bias against him (This bias, was put into us by god)
God could kill us all for being sinners, but he is such a nice guy and lets us repent for them

Noah is supposed to point us to Christ. God always intend to save the righteous remnant.
Feelsbad for all those who grew up without christian teachings, because they were somehow expected to know that it is not Allah, Buddah or Krishna, But rather Jesus!

It just happens at the time of Noah, the only righteous ones are Noah and his family. They are not righteousness because of their works, but by faith they trusted God.
All the other non-righteous people (sinners I assume) are slayed by god.

The same goes for those saved by Jesus. While Jesus dies for those who are sinners, he takes upon himself the punishment.
All non-righteous people (Sinners I assume) are saved, as god sends his son to suffer and die for them

Make up ur mind dude

Some things to address:
- God does not create sin. You assume he does. But that is not the case - sin is not a physical object. God did not create us separated from him.
I assume me murdering the shit out of someone is considered sin
He could have created a world where I do not murder the shit out of someone!
He could have created a perfect world!
But he created a world where we sin, we suffer, and we are punished for it

- Secondly, God as creator is the one who gives and takes life.
Sure. Just might not be Jesus, could be Buddah!

Concerning whether God will fix it, it doesn't make sense for someone to ask that question, if they already believe God cannot possibly exist.
Child X beleives in god. Child X is in extreme povery. God does not fix

But I digress,
Most of these, come down to what God is like, and can we trust him?
1. God is (supposedly) caring and loving
2. There is a lot of suffering in this world
3. God can fix this
- God does not fix it

Why does Jesus return come sooner, if his return will bring about the final fix.
The reassurance for Christians who see the work of the cross, is they know the end date is fixed and coming. Think of D-Day in WW2, a decisive victory that means the end of the war is guaranteed to happen. For Christians, that event is the cross.
Christians should ask
Why did he not come 3 hours ago? 300 years ago? 1000 years ago? Why does he not come now?
He should end our damn suffering already instead of waiting for some cool D-Day epic extravaganza finale

For the atheist who denies Jesus existed, or that Jesus died, or that Jesus rose again; there are logically no hope. And so an answer to that question would only make sense if those things were true.
Stop beating around the bush
Give me one plausible reason that God has not come yet and has let us suffer for so long (decades and decades). He could come now and end all suffering, but why won't he?

That is why Christians, the death and resurrection of Jesus is important. It grounds our assurance and hope, that this world will be renewed into a new creation.
This is the end of the conversation for me, as that is where the buck sticks for me.
It is only the start for me, but you do not have to reply anymore if you do not wish
I would like answers to all the other points I mentioned, as the majority are not covered here (From anyone reading this :))


Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
All non-righteous people (Sinners I assume) are saved, as god sends his son to suffer and die for them. Make up ur mind dude
Nowhere did I say all. There lies your problem. Don't put words in my mouth.

I have given one signficant reason.

Jesus said "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

The reason is there are things to be done, and time for people to turn back.
That is why the world is not brought to its V-day end. D-day has happened, but V-day is yet to come.

Sorry I have a tendency to start a sentence without finishing it.
Last edited:


Active Member
Nov 16, 2014
Don't really have the patience to engage with semi-trolling at 11:15pm at night.
When you are trying to make several points at once I think both of us are losing track of what has been addressed and what hasn't. I certainly have.

But here is the first...

aaaand this was the first link I got when I searched the same thing...
it makes me wonder whether I should bother replying :)

It is a fairly concrete historical fact that Jesus lived and he died.
Sweet. He did exist - Genuinley convinced :)
Now please address everything else in that post, that you assumed to be some sort of troll attempt..


Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
It was the only the last comment that seemed like that. I have never met you in real life to be able to tell fully.

I have addressed a little bit in the previous post. But I am going to sleep now :)


Active Member
Nov 16, 2014
Nowhere did I say all. There lies your problem. Don't put words in my mouth.
Sigh. Semantics
Let me try that again
1. God let his son suffer and die for our sins
2. God killed us for our sins

I have given one signficant reason.
Jesus said "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Things to be done. That is why the world is not brought to its V-day end. D-day has happened, but V-day is yet to come.

Sorry I have a tendency to start a sentence without finishing it.
Sorry, I really do not see what "things need to be done" and why he can't just come to help us all out now.
To say "its not ur problem" is not a very good reason to explain why he has let us suffer for centuries upon centuries...


Active Member
Nov 16, 2014
I would comment that such a methodology is flawed and the basis for accepting H1 is because we cannot prove the opposite, when H1 itself is an unverified claim.
A little bit problematic. But otherwise I like the approach.
Hang on,
As with almost ALL hypothesis testing (and science), we can never prove H1 or H0. You can only demonstrate that your model describes the data better than another model.
Here is a very, very good answer on how to choose a null hypothesis
(The last answer on the site)


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub
i believe in science and the big bang theory but even before that, what made that single atom there? was it a god? was it from another universe? if so how was that universe created?
Yeah my point is there doesn't have to be some sort of entity creating things

It's kind of like asking who created god


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub
i believe in science and the big bang theory but even before that, what made that single atom there? was it a god? was it from another universe? if so how was that universe created?
Yeah my point is there doesn't have to be some sort of entity creating things

It's kind of like asking who created god


Active Member
Jul 2, 2017
Uni Grad
i believe in science and the big bang theory but even before that, what made that single atom there? was it a god? was it from another universe? if so how was that universe created?
Yeah its essentially a "did the chicken or the egg come first?" kind of situation
I believe in the big bang theory as well, but I kind of believe that the universe sort of loops from expanding to compressing into another big bang and so on. Then again, there'd have to be something to catalyse the first universe.

I honestly don't think humanity will truly find out or settle on a single theory on how we came into existence before we go extinct.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2014
Yeah its essentially a "did the chicken or the egg come first?" kind of situation
I believe in the big bang theory as well, but I kind of believe that the universe sort of loops from expanding to compressing into another big bang and so on. Then again, there'd have to be something to catalyse the first universe.

I honestly don't think humanity will truly find out or settle on a single theory on how we came into existence before we go extinct.
We can't ever ignore self causation [emoji106]

This seems the more plausible theory rather than a human-like all powerful guy (to me anyway)


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub
Yeah its essentially a "did the chicken or the egg come first?" kind of situation
I believe in the big bang theory as well, but I kind of believe that the universe sort of loops from expanding to compressing into another big bang and so on. Then again, there'd have to be something to catalyse the first universe.

I honestly don't think humanity will truly find out or settle on a single theory on how we came into existence before we go extinct.
yeah fuck no Kim Jong un gonna drop a nuke and we'll be obliterated before that happens


Active Member
Jul 2, 2017
Uni Grad
We can't ever ignore self causation [emoji106]

This seems the more plausible theory rather than a human-like all powerful guy (to me anyway)
On the topic of a human-like all powerful being, I've never understood why a majority of deities have a human form. Why a human form? I mean on a universal scale we aren't even specks of dust - why would we be so special as to share the same form as an all powerful being?


Active Member
Nov 16, 2014
On the topic of a human-like all powerful being, I've never understood why a majority of deities have a human form. Why a human form? I mean on a universal scale we aren't even specks of dust - why would we be so special as to share the same form as an all powerful being?
An elephant with many hands is pree cool
But yea we can never know the identity of this god.
Dec 8, 2016
On the topic of a human-like all powerful being, I've never understood why a majority of deities have a human form. Why a human form? I mean on a universal scale we aren't even specks of dust - why would we be so special as to share the same form as an all powerful being?
I wouldn't say a majority. There are a lot of the Egyptian and Hindu gods/goddesses and they aren't very human-like.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2017
Uni Grad
I wouldn't say a majority. There are a lot of the Egyptian and Hindu gods/goddesses and they aren't very human-like.
Yeah true. I guess I was mostly thinking of the Greek/Christian god/s.
Many deities do possess human qualities though, such as body structure, limbs, faces, etc


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub
An elephant with many hands is pree cool
But yea we can never know the identity of this god.
omg the story for this is hilarious

A more popular legend deals with the birth of Ganesha to Parvati. Once while Parvati was going for her bath, she rubbed off the dust and oil from her body and out of it created the figure of a young boy. She infused life into the figure and told him he was her son and should guard the entrance when she went down to bathe.
Soon after, Shiva came to see Parvati but the young boy blocked his way and would not let him in. Shiva, unaware that this lad was his son, became furious and in great anger fought with the boy whose head got severed from his body in the ensuing battle.

Parvati, returning from her bath, saw her headless son and threatened, as Shakti, to destroy the heavens and the earth, so great was her sorrow.
The gods and Shiva pacified her and the latter sent out his ganas, or hordes, to bring the head of the first living being with his head towards the north (the auspicious direction associated with wisdom). They did so and the first living creature they found sleeping with its head to the north was an elephant.

They brought the head of this animal and Shiva placed it on the trunk of Parvati's son and breathed life into him. Parvati was overjoyed and embraced her son, the elephant-headed boy whom Shiva named Ganesha, the lord of his ganas.”


realest nigga
Jun 10, 2012
ya mum gay
Uni Grad
Yeah its essentially a "did the chicken or the egg come first?" kind of situation
I believe in the big bang theory as well, but I kind of believe that the universe sort of loops from expanding to compressing into another big bang and so on. Then again, there'd have to be something to catalyse the first universe.

I honestly don't think humanity will truly find out or settle on a single theory on how we came into existence before we go extinct.
even if we say god created that single atom that sparked the existance of our universe, then who created that god that made the universe?

imo i think it is better just to believe that an atom appeared out of no where and created all this than to think a god created that atom who came out of no where and then created all this

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