Does God exist? (3 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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thats exactly the point. people bring up stories of ministers or bishops who murder or abuse children. well obviously these people are not living like christians.

ur_inner_child. i say that if everyone loved each other the world would be better. non christians have the same capacity to love. of course this is no new news and as ntb says who cares, and he is so right. no one cares so thats why the world isnt and wont be better.

although i will say it now and probably have to say it again christianity is not rule following. its not what you do on sunday morning it is a life long relationship with God in which you realise you cant be perfect and ask for his forgivness which he gives freely because of his grace and because of jesus death and ressurection. can everyone please keep this in mind?


Apr 7, 2006
well, people do care, but thye just don't take enough action you know?
This is the thing: People who do evil are doing bad things, but those who see it and KNOW that it is bad BUT don't do anything about it, are worse.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
ur_inner_child. i say that if everyone loved each other the world would be better. non christians have the same capacity to love. of course this is no new news and as ntb says who cares, and he is so right. no one cares so thats why the world isnt and wont be better.
I think you've skewed my point for your own rhetoric...

You acknowledge, in what you were saying, that there are too many difficulties for us to achieve 'peace'. Therefore, don't you think it's pretty silly to then go and say it's just because 'no one cares' ?

its not what you do on sunday morning it is a life long relationship with God in which you realise you cant be perfect and ask for his forgivness which he gives freely because of his grace and because of jesus death and ressurection. can everyone please keep this in mind?
I don't see what you mean, or the point of that little spiel, so no... I can't keep it in mind.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
thats exactly the point. people bring up stories of ministers or bishops who murder or abuse children. well obviously these people are not living like christians.
those get brought up, though, because in some cases, the church is aware of it but doesn't act. example: the molestation of children in the catholic church, where it was known by higher officials, who didn't do anything. in some cases the priests even admitted they had a problem, but higher officials left them at positions where they could still do harm. it was systematic, and that is why its so concerning


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
You seem to think non Christians aren't able to go about their lives without wondering OMG I'M GOING TO HELL! because they ARE living their life and neither God nor religion has anything to do with it and they are perfectly happy just as they are. If I wanted a long term relationship with an imaginary person I could always have an invisible girlfriend :rolleyes:


Apr 16, 2006
"The first clergyman was the first rascal who met the first fool" -



the point of my "little spiel" was to just remind everyone what a christian is. not someone who perfectly follows rules but someone who is made perfect by following Christ.

understand now?


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Yea but it's just rhetoric, it has no substance to it. I mean... you say it is not about rules, but instead about following Christ - do you see the issue?

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.


Apr 7, 2006
Not-That-Bright, man, you're so-called 'intelligence' sure drives everything what you say... in other words, you probably believe that you MUST live a life of knowledge and intelligence,... just loosen up a little seriously.


Mar 9, 2004
yoakim said:
Not-That-Bright, man, you're so-called 'intelligence' sure drives everything what you say... in other words, you probably believe that you MUST live a life of knowledge and intelligence,... just loosen up a little seriously.
You make it sound like NTB stresses out when he posts. I'm sure he does it with great ease.

And what is wrong with living a life of knowledge and intelligence?

How do you live? random and ignorant?

EDIT: I deleted the last part because it was on the verge of being mean.
Last edited:


Apr 16, 2006
Malfoy said:
Dude, please, stop with the quoting.
Mate, if you dont like it...dont read it

The quotes are very relevent to the topic, easy to read and written by people who have put a lot more thought into getting to the truth than some posters on here. your mind.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
pkc, you do realise the irony of making a statement about opening one's mind when really your only 'contribution', if it can be called that, is to try to argue there is no god just because other people are themselves doubtful

the question is "does god exist?", and it isn't relevant to simply post opinions here, because thats trying to make the claim that god's existance is determined by a vote. as though if enough famous people said there was a god, he'd pop into existance, and then if more said there wasn't a god, he'd cease to be again.

you're in no way contributing fresh or constructive ideas to the discussion, and you are aruging a point exactly opposite to why i'm agnostic, and i don't think i'm the only one on that. i don't believe in a god because i want proof that convinces me, not just because someone else says i should believe in god. and if the logic of "so-and-so says theres a god" isn't good enough to prove theres a god, then the same logic doesn't work to prove there isn't a god.


Apr 16, 2006
davin said:
you're in no way contributing fresh or constructive ideas to the discussion, and you are aruging a point exactly opposite to why i'm agnostic, don't happen to like the style of another post.
Sorry, I can't help you there, but I can suggest you help everyone by spending 10 lines on something on-topic next time.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Not-That-Bright, man, you're so-called 'intelligence' sure drives everything what you say...
Yep, sure does... you do realise this is a fairly 'intelligent' subject right? If we were discussing the footy I might not be so 'intelligent'.

in other words, you probably believe that you MUST live a life of knowledge and intelligence
Definately! I seriously do believe that while we have this short life we should endevour to discover as much as we can about it. That's not to say you can't have fun or whatever tho lol

just loosen up a little seriously.

I'm not sure whether to be flattered or angry, did you just attempt to insult me by calling me intelligent? :/


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
pkc said: don't happen to like the style of another post.
Sorry, I can't help you there, but I can suggest you help everyone by spending 10 lines on something on-topic next time.
nice to quote out of context. in fact, it is on topic, considering i'm just pointing out that your entire reason you feel that there is no god is because other people told you so. motives as to why one feels there is or is not a god is on topic, i'd think


Dum dum, de dum. Guess what, I’m having a baby in December!
However, in other news …

well for starters christianity is not about being nice to others to get riches or eternal life. its all about Jesus and the fact that we cant be nice. We couldnt be nice so much that we killed the one guy who could be.

Christianity is about accepting this fact that we are not perfect. Saying Sorry to the guy who made us and trying to be good cos we know it makes him and also ourselves happy.
Brainwashed, much? What you’re saying is that you need to abide by the restrictions of a religion, in order to accept that the human being is not perfect?
Dude. No shit. I know that, and I don’t devote precious hours of my life to some bullshit manuscript, with no factual basis, written 2000 years ago.

i dont think you can understand how good heaven will be cos there is nothing else like it. there wont be any of those things that you mention cos its just so super dooper good. mind blowing aint it.
The concept of eternal life pisses me off. When I’m 80+ and I die in my sleep, I want that to be it. I don’t want to go on and live forever. I want to die, and break down into little carbon molecules so that the earthworms can eat me and nourish flowers. That’s it.

he didnt run - rite, so he sacrificed himself, and also remember to some extent jesus was consdiered a terrorist by the king that executed him?

remember jesus had roman orgys, had sex with niggas. he was impure.
Didn’t GOD instruct Jesus to die on the cross? Thus it wasn’t really a sacrifice, because being told to die isn’t the same ass voluntarily giving up your life?

i reckon it would be. if the camels werent just being random but were sent by the authorities. The significance of the cross has come from the crusifiction so i guess if he had been trampled by camels we would all wear little hoofs round our necks.

the point is however that he died and then rose again. by whatever method
Well, actually… Christianity stole a lot of its symbols from the other religions it persecuted. Pagans, for example. The Pentecost and some other random shit, which you Christians believe are symbolic to Christianity, were actually Pagan symbols, before Christianity raped and pillaged the pagan villages.

and he had a PhD!!!
Which means he is infinitely smarter than you.

Jesus saved me. U gotta remember Jesus said he is God so by him dying yes he can save us indirectly
The thing about you rabid Christian’s, is that you keep saying Jesus died for our sins, yet you cannot explain how this concept works. For the rest of us, it makes no sense. It is a inconceivable concept. If people still go to hell, then Jesus didn’t die for our sins, did he? Or does absolution only work for those who are willing to turn a blind eye to the inconsistencies of your religion.

christians lives are not wasted. you only have to look around you to see the ammount of good christian people aer doing. Associations such as world vision and CCF are run by christian people to better the lives of those less fortunate.

Christian people trying to live up to Jesus commandment love your neighbour live their lives for others doing good. When u got Jesus in your soul you cant help living your life like this. certainly not a waste.
Isn’t it funny how Christian organizations such as world vision and the such are revered as “good”. Yet really, in practice they are just attempting to fix the problems caused by Christian, imperial nations that raped those countries to begin with.

And what about those who are not Christian, yet devote their lives to charity? They don’t have Jesus in their souls, so what is their excuse? Obviously it isn’t the holy, divine son as their driving force. Does that then prove that you do not need religion in order to be a good person?



Find me a Biblical passage that says "Go from Europe to the Holy Land and kill Muslims" or "Establish a Church whose clergy shall sexually abuse children and hide it" and I'll renounce my belief straight away.

That's about as valid as saying that Stalin and Mao were atheists, therefore atheists will do what they did.

Same for the above.
Tell me, sweet cheeks. When the Papacy ordered the death of hundreds of thousands of women, Protestants, pagans, Freemasons, new age thinkers such as Galileo, Cathars, Muslims and Jews, what did they use as their justification?

The Bible.

Don’t be so fucking stupid as to say that the Bible doesn’t specifically say “go forth and kill Muslims”, because one of your fuckwit Christian friends will then pipe up and say “ooer, but the bible isn’t meant to be taken literally”. Find another God damn excuse. Christianity is and was responsible for some of the most gruesome atrocities on Earth.
Women were murdered in the tens of thousands for over 600 years, because the Papacy deduced that anybody with an understanding of the female anatomy was a witch. Muslims and Jews were driven out of Spain because they were heretics. Those that did not convert to Christianity were murdered. Dude, Spain is still affected by what they did to the Jews and Muslims. They effectively fucked their economy.

And your analogy with Atheists doesn’t work, dumb arses. Christians use religion and faith as the justification for their actions. Atheists do not have faith, or a belief in a higher power, thus they cannot use religion as a justification. They are then, responsible for the actions of the individual, not persuaded by religion.

One could also say that since I am a Protestant and all of the above attrocities were commited by the Catholic Church they haven't anything to do with me either.
You dumb shit. Protestants were considered as heretics by the Catholic church. Protestantism and Catholicism are not the same thing. Protestants were burned at the stake by the Inquisition. The Church of England was excommunicated by the Pope. Thus, anything done by the Catholic church cannot be the responsibility of Protestants.

I pointed out first that the main source of Christian teaching, the Bible, doesn't say anything about Crusades or Inquisitions. It's quite true that I don't need it not to engage in Crusades or Inquisitions, because it doesn't mention them! Even if it did not say, "Thou shall not kill" I would not kill someone, either.
Yet the Bible also says that those who murder shall be punishable by death.

Go figure.

To use another, non-religious example, if a member of the Liberal party commits murder, are Liberals pro-murder? (don't start) Clearly secular law states that murder is illegal. That person is going against established laws. If such a thing happened, clearly other members of the Liberal party would condemn his actions as loudly, or even more loudly than other people.
If a piece of paper which had the ideologies of the Liberal party said “Murder is acceptable”, and if all members of the Liberal party abided by this paper, and used it as justification for their actions, then it could safely be assumed that all Liberal members are capable of murder.

However it doesn’t, so shut up.

Further, in both the time of the Crusades and the early stages of the Inquisition (13th century), it's true that the Catholic Church had almost absolute political power in Europe and could cause or allow these events to happen.

THE BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no way an Inquisition or Crusade could occur today, or ever again in the forseeable future. Unforunately we still have a tiny minority of fanatics such as Abortion clinic bombers. I know parts of the USA have problems with lack of church/state separation. But compare our progress to say, Islam in the Middle East and... no comment.
Stem cell research and other technologies are banned in Italy, because the Church still has the power to make laws.

The Pope gets up at Easter and condemns abortion, stem cell research and television infront of a few million rabid Catholics. These Catholics then go home and start lobbying against abortion and stem cell research, coz the Pope said it’s bad.

The Pope then goes on to refuse the distribution of condoms in Africa by Christian groups, because condoms stop potential life. Which isn’t really potential life, because a sperm cannot become a person unless it has an egg. Yet, potential life, according to the Church, apparently has more value than existing life, and the life of those millions of Africans who have AIDS.

Don’t be so hypocritical. Sure, the Church no longer governs Europe, but that doesn’t mean the Church still doesn’t have a strong foothold in the way people think.
Christianity isn’t adaptable. The Church never reformed Catholicism. The Church lost it’s political stronghold on the world, thus the rest of the world reformed the way THEY practiced religion.

The Church of England, or Protestantism is completely different from the Catholic Church. COE was created as an up yours to the Catholic church, so duh it’s laws are going to be relaxed in comparison to the Catholic church.

Dude, it’s like trying to compare Islam and Christianity. Catholicism and Protestantism are not the same fucking thing.

everyone believes in something. otherwise why breathe why get up in the morning.
it might be the belief in your family, the belief of the good of humanity, of football, beer or even the belief that there is no god.

its believing in something

therefore so called atheists are probably just agnostics. think there is a meaning but just dont know what it is

Atheists beleif that no beliefs are true therefore proving themselves to be wrong
I breathe because breathing is involuntary, and it is impossible for one to ‘voluntarily’ stop breathing. If you held your breath, you would pass out eventually, and you would automatically start breathing again.

I get up in the morning because if I don’t, I wont’ have any money, which means I’d end up on the street as a destitute homeless lady, and really starving to death is an arsehole of a way to die.

So basically, what I do everyday has nothing to do with faith. It’s because I have no choice, and I enjoy getting up and spending time with friends and family.

Fuck god, that still makes me atheist.

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