Does God exist? (3 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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Passive-aggressive Mod
May 10, 2004
Dude. It is said clearly - and the latter quotes are by Jesus himself - that the laws of the Old Testament, given by God, must be abided by. You can't cherrypick. What part of that do you not, or refuse to, understand?


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
butterscotch91 said:
i saw a response that is mighty long and it definitely would take a looong time to go through it. will you pick out a few?
seriously i don't have all day and i do have much more of a life outside the depressing computer room.
but why can't people just understand what i mean by spiritual and physical as two different matters? there are many things i cannot explain because i am no scholar or philosopher or whatever you want to call it, simply a student girl. can people just accept that i believe with faith and not blindly succumbing to a certain belief? when it comes to religion, people see things through spiritual eyes and not physical. i just wish to present you a view.
try put it this way- if you think sex before marriage is wrong, you cannot prove it and instantly change others morals to that. this is the same with me- i have my beliefs but i cannot force them unto you.

GE 2:15-23, 3:1-5, 1TI 2:14 Eve was created after Adam had already been given the prohibition about eating the forbidden fruit. Eve believed the serpent (the craftiest of all of God's wild creatures) when he assured her that she would become wise and would not die if she ate the fruit. Eve has been blamed for causing Adam to fall, and ultimately for the fall of mankind. (Note: Prior to eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve would have had no knowledge of right and wrong; they would not have known that it was a sin to disobey God or to obey the serpent. After they ate the forbidden fruit, God placed a guard around the "Tree of Eternal Life" to keep them from eating its fruit. He could have done the same for the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" before Adam and Eve disobeyed. In addition, even though the prohibition regarding the forbidden fruit was made to Adam before Eve came on the scene, Eve has been blamed for the Fall; 1TI 2:14 says: "... Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.")

ES 6:6, JB 19:27, PS 7:9, 16:7, 73:21, PR 23:7, 16, IS 10:7, JE 11:20, 17:10, 20:12, MT 9:4, LK 2:19, 9:47, AC 8:22, RO 10:9-10, HE 4:12, RE 2:23 (See KJV especially.) Thought occurs in the heart. The kidneys ("reins") are the seat of conscience.(Note: This is not merely a poetic use of these terms, as is now claimed. In early times, it was actually believed that various body organs other than the brain were responsible for our thoughts, feelings, actions and the like. The heart was believed to be the seat of thought processes and beliefs, while the kidneys were thought to be the seat of conscience.)

MT 4:23-24, 9:32-33, 12:22, 17:14-18, MK 1:23-26, 32-34, 5:2-16, 9:17-29, 16:9, LK 11:14, 4:33-35, 8:2, 27-36, 9:38-42, AC 8:7, 16:16-18 Both physical and mental Illness are caused by demon possession and can be cured by exorcism.


May 23, 2006
Does Gravity Exist?
Does Madula Oblangata Exist?
Do Orgasms Exist


butterscotch91 said:
i saw a response that is mighty long and it definitely would take a looong time to go through it. will you pick out a few?
seriously i don't have all day and i do have much more of a life outside the depressing computer room.
but why can't people just understand what i mean by spiritual and physical as two different matters? there are many things i cannot explain because i am no scholar or philosopher or whatever you want to call it, simply a student girl. can people just accept that i believe with faith and not blindly succumbing to a certain belief? when it comes to religion, people see things through spiritual eyes and not physical. i just wish to present you a view.
try put it this way- if you think sex before marriage is wrong, you cannot prove it and instantly change others morals to that. this is the same with me- i have my beliefs but i cannot force them unto you.
The problem is that some people view science as the ultimate source of metaphysical authority - it allows for arguments in our modern sense, logic in the pure sense, and ability to impose intellectual supremacy over others.

In my opinion, many atheists lead lives that are just as ungoverned as those they criticise.

Whilst I don't necessarily agree with what you say (I haven't read any of it, to be honest), I do agree that many atheists need to realise that the God debate is pointless because to debate in our sense means to use science and logic in our sense, which is a waste of time as theists really don't embrace, endorse, or recognise either.

I'm pro-science, but I see the futility in arguing incessantly with people who are one step back from debate: How can you hope to debate with theists when the form of the debate itself isn't recognised by both parties? :-S Theists who say that theism is totally reconcilable with modern science are either deluded, lying, or feel like they need to justify themselves by our fickle current definition of the term.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
PwarYuex said:
The problem is that some people view science as the ultimate source of metaphysical authority - it allows for arguments in our modern sense, logic in the pure sense, and ability to impose intellectual supremacy over others.

In my opinion, many atheists lead lives that are just as ungoverned as those they criticise.

Whilst I don't necessarily agree with what you say (I haven't read any of it, to be honest), I do agree that many atheists need to realise that the God debate is pointless because to debate in our sense means to use science and logic in our sense, which is a waste of time as theists really don't embrace, endorse, or recognise either.

I'm pro-science, but I see the futility in arguing incessantly with people who are one step back from debate: How can you hope to debate with theists when the form of the debate itself isn't recognised by both parties? :-S Theists who say that theism is totally reconcilable with modern science are either deluded, lying, or feel like they need to justify themselves by our fickle current definition of the term.
Yeah but this chick is saying that the Bible is scientific, logical, and factually correct, so I don't see why you're agreeing with her.


Slidey said:
Yeah but this chick is saying that the Bible is scientific, logical, and factually correct, so I don't see why you're agreeing with her.
Did you fucking read what I actually said?

pwaryuex said:
Whilst I don't necessarily agree with what you say (I haven't read any of it, to be honest), I do agree that...
If she's actually saying as such, refer to the last part of my post.

Theists who say that theism is totally reconcilable with modern science are either deluded, lying, or feel like they need to justify themselves by our fickle current definition of the term.
Is that okay, or do you need me to repeat parts of my post to you again?


butterscotch91 said:
haha yep i think this is what i mean (refer to my last post). thanks a lot, i don't exactly write with fluency and flair as you can see, but this expands the physical versus spiritual thing i was trying to get across :)
Yeah well according to Slidey, you claim that the Christian faith and modern science can agree?

If so, I think you're wrong.

Captain Hero

Jul 21, 2008
butterscotch91 said:
The Bible is a compilation of books throughout centuries. Similarities can be drawn through their consistency in time and place, which means each book is written by different people in different contexts yet they have matching evidence.
Evidence, pl0x.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
PwarYuex said:
Did you fucking read what I actually said?

If she's actually saying as such, refer to the last part of my post.

Is that okay, or do you need me to repeat parts of my post to you again?
Thanks for your help, PwarYuex. I really appreciated the bit with the vitriol and swearing.

Just FYI, this is what you were interjecting about:

butterscotch91 said:
Hi schroedinger, I'm gonna answer this as you requested.
About aliens, i have no idea and i don't see what it is to do with anything or how it can contribute to anything.
Biblical evidence proving anything. Well, comparing the Old Testament to the New Testament respectively which were written centuries apart:
Christ's place of birth: Micah 5:2 and Matthew 2:1
Jesus' ressurection: Psalm 16: 10 and 1 Corinthians 15:3-6
Triumphal entry: Zachariah 9:9 and John 12:12-14
Crucifiction with robbers: Isaiah 53:12 and Mark 15:27

There are also numerous incidents that have been prophecied and fulfilled, for example in Ezekial 26-27, it prophecies the destruction of City of Tyre. If you look it up, it is still a city in ruins til today. There are prophecies about the persecutions on Israel, which are specifically identified in the Bible too.

Here are more sources if you want:

It would take ages to type up every prophetic verse but if you look it up the net, you will see them. And your question regarding the second coming of Christ, it may be included in the websites/ if you would look up the Bible, which can be found on the net also if you don't have one.

Since you seem to be so into philosophy/ want to be philosophical, scientists and mathematicians have applied statistics into these prophecies and have found the chances of them being all fulfilled is 1: 2x10^90. That was according to a lecture, which i cannot prove to you online, but if you think about it, the chances of one specific prophecy fulfilled is very small, let alone having all the prophecies have been fulfilled to today with no errors.
This proves the truth of the Bible.

Miracles, which are the display of supernatural powers that violate the laws of nature, can be seen in John 2:1-11, Luke 5:4-11, Mark 5:35-43, Mark 7:31-37, Mark 8:22-26, Luke 7:11;17, Luke 4:38-44, Luke 4:31-37 and Luke 5:1-13.
These speak of Jesus healing the blind, deaf, demon possessed and even the dead.

I've made my points using Biblical excerpts and quotes from actual scientists and mathematicians. Now whether you choose to believe or not, its up to you =]

Captain Hero

Jul 21, 2008
zeam said:
Does Gravity Exist?
Anyone with a basic understanding of maths can prove it.

Does Madula Oblangata Exist?
Yes it's a part of the brain

Do Orgasms Exist
Yes they do:

Don't know what you're aiming for, but if you were trying to claim that all of those things were arbitrary airy fair distinctions like god then you fell off the failbus.


Slidey said:
Thanks for your help, PwarYuex. I really appreciated the bit with the vitriol and swearing.
Sorry but what do you expect when you completely misrepresent what I said in something like a 200-word post? =/


3unitz said:
you overreacted :(
Nah, it's happened many times with me that people don't understand your original post because they've taken someone else's completely incorrect spin on it. Then if you correct them mildly, people accuse you of backing out of your original statements rather than what actually happened. Sorry but it's the truth.


Active Member
Feb 13, 2007
captian hero said:
GE 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven(s) and the earth." (One might ask what "existed," and where God dwelt, before he created heaven and earth. Of course, if God were pure spirit the question could be considered moot, but inasmuch as the God of the Bible allegedly participated in a wrestling match, ate solid food, was seen face to face, spoke with Moses, etc., it would seem that he possesses physical attributes, including form.)

(Note: Some biblicists contend that biblical chronology fixes the date of creation at 4004 B.C. thereby making the earth about six thousand years old. Some present-day creationists stubbornly adhere to a young earth timetable in spite of overwhelming evidence that the earth is actually billions of years old.)
GE 1:3-5, 14-19 There was light ("night and day") before there was a sun. (Note: If there were no sun, there would be no night or day. Also, light from the newly created heavenly bodies seems to have reached the earth instantaneously though it now takes thousands or millions of years.)
GE 1:12, 16 Plants began to grow before there was sunlight.
he made light

then the sun....

it needs light
who say plants need sunlight just light, that is all that matters.

and i know you are going to ask where the light came from. It is God it does not matter, the reality is he can do anything.


Aug 16, 2008
emytaylor164 said:
he made light

then the sun....

it needs light
who say plants need sunlight just light, that is all that matters.

and i know you are going to ask where the light came from. It is God it does not matter, the reality is he can do anything.

EDIT: sorry guys, i've got tourrettes. :(
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 13, 2007
PwarYuex said:
Yeah well according to Slidey, you claim that the Christian faith and modern science can agree?

If so, I think you're wrong.
umm yes it can.... have you never heard of christian scientist's
Kirsten Birkett for example.

I find that most athiests just assume that christians are against science.

Many christians who are intrested in science would struggle to understand it without there belief in God.


Aug 16, 2008
emytaylor164 said:
umm yes it can.... have you never heard of christian scientist's
Kirsten Birkett for example.

I find that most athiests just assume that christians are against science.

Many christians who are intrested in science would struggle to understand it without there belief in God.
but how can you believe in god and science at the same time?


Active Member
Feb 13, 2007
Boxes said:
but how can you believe in god and science at the same time?
you can take science as an explanation for things, and believe that God created it. Of course there are some things that you would not agree with but i am sure that even some athieist's would not accept some things that science claims.

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