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Does God exist? (1 Viewer)

do you believe in god?

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Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
The dispute comes about whether the constants had come about through pure chance or by design
...yeah, exactly. It's not certain that it the unvierse is designed. Which is what I said.

The specified probability still exists
I didnt say it it doesnt, I'm saying that it doesnt mean anything

I don't see how I'm pre-supposing anything, or how this comment has anything to do with the formally defined Fine-Tuning Argument
Everything is improbable, you just assume that life was always going to exist

"wow if things had been slightly different we wouldn't exist" yeah, so?


This too shall pass
Nov 6, 2011
Can you read?

I didnt say it it doesnt, I'm saying that it doesnt mean anything
Ah but I've proven that the specified probability is different to spilling marbles on a floor, and in fact does mean a lot, showing that if we only a small finite number of universes exist, the specified probability is so vanishingly small that the conclusion must be design.

On the case of multiverse theory, whereby we consider an infinite number of universes, this can affirm chance, however there are a number of philosophical implications to multiverse theory[1], and there is also no empirical basis for believing in multiverses except for a pre-supposition of naturalism.

[1]: Such as Alvin Plantinga's Boltzmann Brains argument

Everything is improbable, you just assume that life was always going to exist

"wow if things had been slightly different we wouldn't exist" yeah, so?
This has been refuted above, you are fallaciously equating the probability being talked about in the formal Fine Tuning argument, with general probability


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
im not tooo religious and dont really like all this scientific mumbo jumbo. But yeah everyone has their own views on life. Imo if u think u are here by chance u are one fucked up mofo. Everything on this Earth makes sense, even the most delicate of ecosystems. And dont tell me some big bang happened out of nowhere and all this "happened by chance". load of crap. God exists. Take it or leave it (if u leave it, may God have mercy on ur soul)


Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
im not tooo religious and dont really like all this scientific mumbo jumbo. But yeah everyone has their own views on life. Imo if u think u are here by chance u are one fucked up mofo. Everything on this Earth makes sense, even the most delicate of ecosystems. And dont tell me some big bang happened out of nowhere and all this "happened by chance". load of crap. God exists. Take it or leave it (if u leave it, may God have mercy on ur soul)
Mate ... I don't care if god has no mercy on my soul.

Everything is here due to science. Astronomers can tell you that the Big Bang did not come out of no here.

God didn't create the planets, elements on the periodic table did.


This too shall pass
Nov 6, 2011
im not tooo religious and dont really like all this scientific mumbo jumbo. But yeah everyone has their own views on life. Imo if u think u are here by chance u are one fucked up mofo. Everything on this Earth makes sense, even the most delicate of ecosystems. And dont tell me some big bang happened out of nowhere and all this "happened by chance". load of crap. God exists. Take it or leave it (if u leave it, may God have mercy on ur soul)
Well any intelligent atheist doesn't believe that "it just happened by chance", they will do anything they can do, to distance themselves from the charlatan Dawkins, they have proposed various metaphysical theories such as the level 2 Multiverse theory in order to explain the cosmological fine-tuning of our universe. i.e. there are an infinite number of alternate universes in an ensemble, each starting with different physical laws and constants, if this is true, then a universe fine tuned for life is not only probable but inevitable. (this is what the user itrungs was proposing)

However the multiverse theory itself comes with a lot of philosophical baggage that turns out to nullify the logical truth of a multiverse (such as the given Boltzmanns Brains argument by Alvin Plantinga), but hey give them credit for trying

Mate ... I don't care if god has no mercy on my soul.

Everything is here due to science. Astronomers can tell you that the Big Bang did not come out of no here.

God didn't create the planets, elements on the periodic table did.
No lmfao

God created the entire universe and whatever is unseen beyond it, God created it according to an intricate logical order for His creation to reflect and see the Creator behind the creation.

God says in the Holy Qur'an

"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what Allah has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every [kind of] moving creature, and [His] directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and the earth are signs for a people who use reason." - (2:164)

The only need for a formal fine tuning or teleological argument comes when debating, but really if you just reflect on the earth around you, I think its quite clear there is a Creator.

The periodic table is simply the result of observing the creation, the periodic table has no creative ability or power, nor does gravity, or anything else Hawking decides to propose.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2006
Well any intelligent atheist doesn't believe that "it just happened by chance", they will do anything they can do, to distance themselves from the charlatan Dawkins, they have proposed various metaphysical theories such as the level 2 Multiverse theory in order to explain the cosmological fine-tuning of our universe. i.e. there are an infinite number of alternate universes in an ensemble, each starting with different physical laws and constants, if this is true, then a universe fine tuned for life is not only probable but inevitable. (this is what the user itrungs was proposing)

However the multiverse theory itself comes with a lot of philosophical baggage that turns out to nullify the logical truth of a multiverse (such as the given Boltzmanns Brains argument by Alvin Plantinga), but hey give them credit for trying

No lmfao

God created the entire universe and whatever is unseen beyond it, God created it according to an intricate logical order for His creation to reflect and see the Creator behind the creation.

God says in the Holy Qur'an

"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what Allah has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every [kind of] moving creature, and [His] directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and the earth are signs for a people who use reason." - (2:164)

The only need for a formal fine tuning or teleological argument comes when debating, but really if you just reflect on the earth around you, I think its quite clear there is a Creator.

The periodic table is simply the result of observing the creation, the periodic table has no creative ability or power, nor does gravity, or anything else Hawking decides to propose.
Let me start out by saying I don't have the philosophical wherewithal to properly debate you on god's existence. (For the record, my position is agnostic atheism.)

I do notice though that your posts here claim to establish the existence of a creator. Out of interest, do these (and other) arguments also purportedly single out Allah as the only possible creator?


This too shall pass
Nov 6, 2011
Let me start out by saying I don't have the philosophical wherewithal to properly debate you on god's existence. (For the record, my position is agnostic atheism.)

I do notice though that your posts here claim to establish the existence of a creator. Out of interest, do these (and other) arguments also purportedly single out Allah as the only possible creator?
It only takes a bit of logically progressive arguments to arrive at One, All-Powerful, All-Knowledgeable Creator, using what we already know from the Fine-Tuning argument and the Cosmological Argument.

Then relying on biological teleology we may deny Deism and affirm Theism, i.e. a Creator who is active in His Creation and engages in His Creation.

So we now have a personal singular Creator God, this could be the God of Judaism, of Christianity or of Islam, any other religion falls under either pantheism (which is refuted by having the Creator God being active in creation), such as Sikhism or Buddhism

Now we must delve into religious theology, we look at the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, look at prophecy, pure theology, and so on

For one, Judaism is a religion one cannot convert to, you must be born a Jew, and for all intents and purposes Jesus Christ did fulfill the prophecies of the messiah, and so we can discount Judaism. (obviously a proper 'proof' would require a lot more arguments, and stronger arguments)

Then it comes down to affirming either Christianity or Islam, as a Muslim, I see the Trinitarian notion of God, and of God descending into the form of a man named Jesus Christ as incoherent logically and theologically. It is of ultimate blasphemy and of ultimate anthropomorphism to allow God to take the form of a man. (note: No Muslim is a Muslim unless he affirms that Jesus Christ was one of the greatest prophets of God, however he was not the son of God, and we affirm that Jesus came down with a pure monotheistic message that had been corrupted by other people)

Moreover, (and this would probably be the strongest argument for Islam being the true religion out of the Abrahamic tradition), the Prophet Muhammad was predicted in the Old and New Testament, to the extent of being mentioned by name in Songs of Solomon 5 and other areas (though the translators had mis-translated his name as 'all together lovely'). You can read more here http://callingchristians.com/2013/07/05/muhammad-peace-be-upon-him-in-the-bible/

Also, even just looking at it logically, the God of Islam, Allah The Exalted, is the one that makes most sense:

He is free from anthropomorphism: "There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing." - (42:11)

He is of Ultimate Unity: "Say, 'He is Allah, who is One'. Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born. Nor is there to Him any equivalent." - (112)

And so on

There is no one single argument that you can use to show that the God of Islam is the true God, rather it would be a progressive form of argumentation, using arguments both from rationale, and from religious theology.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Mate ... I don't care if god has no mercy on my soul.

Everything is here due to science. Astronomers can tell you that the Big Bang did not come out of no here.

God didn't create the planets, elements on the periodic table did.
Nice logic but who created the elements?
Throughout history, if we couldn't find any explaination for a phenomenon then it meant it was God's work. I think it was silly that you said the universe was made out of elements. It's like saying a car is made out of parts. (obviously)


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
I don't know what or who but there is a greater power controlling us and watching us. There has to be some sort of explanation. We are a part of something big.
This is why I voted .
But then.. you can't prove either answer :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2012
Then it comes down to affirming either Christianity or Islam, as a Muslim, I see the Trinitarian notion of God, and of God descending into the form of a man named Jesus Christ as incoherent logically and theologically. It is of ultimate blasphemy and of ultimate anthropomorphism to allow God to take the form of a man. (note: No Muslim is a Muslim unless he affirms that Jesus Christ was one of the greatest prophets of God, however he was not the son of God, and we affirm that Jesus came down with a pure monotheistic message that had been corrupted by other people)
You do realise you used Muslim belief to discredit Christianity here right ? You have essentially assumed Islam is the true religion in your quest to prove it.


Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
Nice logic but who created the elements?
Throughout history, if we couldn't find any explaination for a phenomenon then it meant it was God's work. I think it was silly that you said the universe was made out of elements. It's like saying a car is made out of parts. (obviously)
The big bang came from a singularity point, where there was lots of stored energy. The stored energy turned into the elements when it cooled down.

Everything originated from energy

E = mc ^ 2 ... Energy can be turned into mass.
Last edited:


Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
To those Christians :

How did God create something from nothing?

From what did he create people and life from?


Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
I don't know what or who but there is a greater power controlling us and watching us. There has to be some sort of explanation. We are a part of something big.
This is why I voted .
But then.. you can't prove either answer :)
What controls us?

Our brain... and the chemical reactions that happen within it


Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
Yeah but why/how did the big bang happen
Go read up some science books buddy.

It's too complicated to explain, and I CBF....

The tldr version is...
1. There was a singularity
2. Gravity couldn't hold it together and the mass was too big
3. Energy release
4. Energy cooled down
5. Energy turned into mass which tuned into planets and stars

CBF with the rest


This too shall pass
Nov 6, 2011
You do realise you used Muslim belief to discredit Christianity here right ? You have essentially assumed Islam is the true religion in your quest to prove it.
I have not used the Muslim belief as a form of proof, rather I have not even given any proof in my statement, I was simply giving a brief outline to seanieg of how I would go about showing that Islam is the most coherent religion

If I wanted to show that God cannot come down in the form of a man, I would show this through logical reasoning, and not saying 'because the Qur'an says so'.

Moreover I can show that the Prophet Jesus himself did not claim to be the son of God, and this shows proof from religious theology

On brief outline of showing that it is inconceivable for God to come down in the form of a man, is to show that for God to become fully man is to inherit an attribute that He previously did not have, and when He dies, He would discard an attribute.

This shows that this God would be deficient if He had to inherit an attribute, however God is free from all deficiencies, showing a contradiction analogous as to why God cannot create another god.


This too shall pass
Nov 6, 2011
What controls us?

Our brain... and the chemical reactions that happen within it
If you knew where that would lead you philosophically I am sure you would retract that statement pretty quickly

If everything is just chemical reactions in our brain, then there is no true libertarian free will, meaning no one is accountable for morality.

i.e. a serial killer is just acting on his chemical reactions in his brain, what is his fault?

Go read up some science books buddy.

It's too complicated to explain, and I CBF....

The tldr version is...
1. There was a singularity
2. Gravity couldn't hold it together and the mass was too big
3. Energy release
4. Energy cooled down
5. Energy turned into mass which tuned into planets and stars

CBF with the rest
He isn't talking about 'how' in relation to mechanism, but 'how' as in to who originated it.

i.e. When you start your car, and someone asks you 'how did the car start?'

Do you respond by saying:

- I turned it on


- the combustion processes in the engine started going

The second option begs the question


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2012
I have not used the Muslim belief as a form of proof, rather I have not even given any proof in my statement, I was simply giving a brief outline to seanieg of how I would go about showing that Islam is the most coherent religion

If I wanted to show that God cannot come down in the form of a man, I would show this through logical reasoning, and not saying 'because the Qur'an says so'.

Moreover I can show that the Prophet Jesus himself did not claim to be the son of God, and this shows proof from religious theology

On brief outline of showing that it is inconceivable for God to come down in the form of a man, is to show that for God to become fully man is to inherit an attribute that He previously did not have, and when He dies, He would discard an attribute.

This shows that this God would be deficient if He had to inherit an attribute, however God is free from all deficiencies, showing a contradiction analogous as to why God cannot create another god.
I never said it was used as proof, but to say "As a muslim, its incoherent" is saying that your belief in Islam inhibits your ability to accept facets of other religions.

The bold part is what you should've been said initially.


The optimistic pessimist.
Dec 2, 2012
Go read up some science books buddy.

It's too complicated to explain, and I CBF....

The tldr version is...
1. There was a singularity
2. Gravity couldn't hold it together and the mass was too big
3. Energy release
4. Energy cooled down
5. Energy turned into mass which tuned into planets and stars

CBF with the rest
This is an excerpt from a pamphlet I really liked. Take the examples that you gave and make an analogy with 'mobile phone'.
Imagine you were walking in a desert (where there is lots of oil, sand and metals in the ground), and you found a mobile phone lying around. Would you believe that it came together by itself? That the Sun shone, the wind blew, lightning struck, the oil bubbled to the surface and mixed with the sand and metal, and over millions of years the mobile came together by chance?

No one would believe such an explanation. A mobile phone is clearly something that was put together in an organised way, so it would be rational to believe that it must have an organiser. In the same way, when we see the order in the universe, isn’t it rational to say that the universe has an organiser?
Proteins, the fundamental building blocks of living cells have a structure that is trillions of times more complex than a mobile phone, making it far more impossible for proteins to have been produced by random natural conditions."

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