Early Entry Acceptance (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 26, 2024
Hello there,
I am currently attending year 11 and i am quite concerned about early entry. They say that you need really good academic performance in year 11 around B-A Grade range and then finally you'll be considered to be accepted at a beautiful university like USYD. In my case I havent really excelled in year 11 interms of academic performance because for Biology i got B, Business I got D, For Math advanced i got D, For english i got C, for enterprise i got C, for modern history i got C, and for term 2 for Biology i got B, For business studies i got C, for Enterprise computing i got B, for modern history i got B, for maths advanced i got C and for english i got D. These are my term 1 and term 2 grades so far in year 11 and i have my preliminary yearly exams next week for week 7 and 8 and i am concerned that if i do pretty poor that i will not get accepted at a very high university like USYD or UNSW or UTS for Software Engineering degree or even get considered to be accepted. All i want to know is that is this true a that you need to have really strong academic performance around B-A Grade Range and a good portfolio of extra curricular activities or can you really get accepted into uni if your grades are around D-C Grade Range and could you notify me if anyone who had done poor in terms of academic performance and no extra curricular activities in year 11 got accepted into their dream degree in uni.

Thank You.

wollongong warrior

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
unsw and usyd doesn't do early entry, you can see if their gateway programs apply to you though which will make it easier to get admission
It doesn't hurt to apply for early entry at uts; if you get in, you get in, if you don't, then you don't. No point in stressing


New Member
Feb 7, 2024
my marks in year 11 ranged from a's to d's (i really suck at maths,) but you also should put your year 12 term 1 and 2 marks in (I did better, with two 95's,) and I did volunteering. You're thinking too much about it, so no stress!! I already got accepted in une, and i even applied for unsw portfolio early entry submission, which is a path you might want to take in the near future.

Overall: You don't need to even put in your 11 marks, you could do year 12 term 1/2, or none at all! Some people from my school only put down their letter of recommendation!

Don't stress, you're also in year 11, so you should also consider doing this in year 11 (if my careers adviser told me, I would of done If I knew about them:) Unipath (Notre Dame- 12 week course that guarantees you a spot,) and I think theres other options for unsw like standard foundation program, but I'm not sure tbh.

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