Umm infernal
- Wave/particle duality, an electron has both wave and particle properties. (Proven by de Broglie with the experimental results from Bragg's annealed nickel crystal experiment based upon the diffraction of an electron.)
- Conceived in relation to black body radiation, that the shorter the wavelength of an electron, (thus the higher the frequency), the greater the total energy emitted (at a particular temperature). This explained Max Planck's anomaly in the black body radiation curve.
I think this is incorrect. Einstein more specifically proved the particle nature of light. Combined with evidence for its nature as a wave, it can be said that Einstein contributed to the idea of "wave particle duality"
for light. This does not include the wave particle duality for
electrons. De Broglie
proposed in 1924 that
all matter has a wave nature. Im not entirely sure about you Bragg experiment, but it was the work of Davisson and Germer (more appropriate to the HSC syllabus) in 1923, whom used an electron gun, fired it at a nickel crystal, with a hinged faraday box/detector which would observe the interference patter from different angles, that they showed the
wave nature of electrons (diffraction and interference).
And im not entirely sure about your second point, because Einstein did
not talk about
matter waves which de Broglie proposed in 1924, because Einstein's photoelectric effect was in 1905 ?
helper said:
Plank produce the idea of quanta to explain the anomaly in the black body curve. He did not attribute it to the energy but rather a property of oscillators in the black body. He also didn't see a significance physically of the quanta.
Einstein built on the idea of Planck and describe electromagnetic radiation as having a dual nature (wave and particle). This gave a physical meaning to quantum.
Einstein used the idea of quantum to explain the photoelectric effect.
This dual nature was developed further by him and others into the field of quantum mechanics.
You then need an opinion as it is an assess question.
The article below goes into more depth than needed but if you read the Plank and Einstein sections is describes what occured.
From what i can see this looks most correct, it was the fact that Planck wasnt entirely sure, BUT Einstein verified the significance of applying E=hf and the idea of energy being quantised. And in this sense he verified E=hf with a physical basis, and thus verifying Planck's explanation of blackbody rad. curves.
Assessment: Planck wasn't sure, Einstein
cemented the idea of quantised energy playing an
integral role in the validation of Planck's quantum theory and blackbody radiation.