Happy to help:
Analog to Digital: A method of this is PCM. Takes sample measurements 8000 er second of analog data. Each measurement records the volage or the amplitude of the analog signal. The height of curve is divided into 128 different levels, each represented by a 7 bit binary number. Now its digital!
Digital to Analog: Digital data is all 1's and 0's. There are three ways:
-Amplitude modulation: Varies the height of the signal to show a 1 and a 0. Only reliable up to speeds of 1KBps [SLOWWW]
-Frequency modulation: Uses a higher frequency for 1 and a lower frequency for 0. This is more tolerant of noisly lines.
-Phase modulation: changes phase of the signal cycle, where there is a change from a 1 to a 0.
This creates an analogue wave by forming lots of 1's and 0's