i applied at both for mechatronics etc (i think.... its all a blur of change and powerplay) but its low on my list cos i cant handle long exposure to sydney. it smells and i have some kind of 'roll me' sticker on the back of my head
i plan to do engineering and business at UTS.
Many people seem to underestimate UTS and go straight to UNSW or Usyd. But if you look into it UTS engneering has alot offer.
No... That's why I'm also considering something else...
I like computers by all means, but it's not my major. considering change of preferences even now...
Originally posted by Blackdawn Im going to do either aero engineering @ unsw or usyd. Is it true that its really hard to find a job as an aerospace engineer?
Thanks for that... BE (aero) sounds great, but i want to be able to get a job when i finish it. BE(aero)(space) sounds great as well, i might have a chance cause i am counted as coming from a rural school 5 more uai for me
rural students only get an extra five uai at one uni for engineerinig i think blackdawn, an i don't think it's at usyd or unsw. where did you find this out?
i got a letter from sydney uni that said that i would get an extra 5 points added to my uai for sydney uni. if u want me to scan it and send it 2 u i shall b happy to do so
yeah i got a letter from syd uni about the extra 5 uai points, except is is only for the orange campus, the orange campus only has courses like agricultural business, liberal studies, and management and stuff.