I did this term one: here's what i can remember:
I presume you are doing this within the topic of "Journeys". Hence our 1st question should be: "what sort of journey is this?"
It is an exodus, and therefore it is a physical journey. Her people have undertaken it because their land has been stolen, changed and reshaped so it is no longer liveable for them (nb: link for Aboriginies with the land - note its importance here). It is also therefore a loss of themselves, and hence a SPIRITUAL (or inner) exodus as well.
Insights into the journey: the actions precipiating the journey can be just as important as the thing itself; people may undertake a journey because they have been displaced (compare to refugees) or lost something dear to them. this poem is very much about the setting of the journey: here it starts in their traditional land and leaves this setting without any defined point of destination or direction. Reflects on the relative aimlessness of some journeys (ie where they go is unimportant, but they must leave).
Sorry for briefness - can't remember much of it. But it should suffice as stimulus/food for thought.