Early appointments make a difference because it enables you to enrol in those classes on at the time you want. You get to make your perfect timetable without fear of those other kids grabbing the spot you want first.
this is what i dont understand.
i want to enroll in COMP2911. the only students that want to enroll in COMP2911 are people who are entering 2nd year computing (comp sci, soft eng, comp eng).
from what I understand, we (2nd year comp students) all have the same enrollment appointment (this was the case last semester), hence we are all on an equal footing
even if my enrollment appointment was 2, 3 or 7 days earlier, it would be the same date as every other 2nd year computing student. so it doesnt make a difference because my competition and I will have the same dates
i cant see why this would be different for other faculties