"I'm not saying that he felt like a man, he didnt want a man. he liked them as friends but he didnt feel like a man in the same way that you feel like having an icypole." -Yon, Tripod
"The smell of burnt flesh put the kibosh on romance"- Scod, Tripod
"I want to take you all home, put baby oil on you and play hungy hungry hippos" Gatesy, Tripod
"She told me to come but I was already there" -AC/DC
"Some times you've just got to say what the fudge"- JD scrubs
"Dun dun dun dun dun shiney scalpel dun dun dun dun dun dun dun gunna slice him up" Todd scrubs
"so she moved me up a grade because i wasnt fitting in but now im even more not fitting in. i was getting good grades you know like all a's but she said you need stimulation and i go im stimulated enough right now. but she said uh uh you dont have a challenge,, you need a challenge. so now im challenged alright, IM CHALLENGED TO HOLD ONTO MY LUNCH MONEY! because of all the big mooses who wanna pound on me coz im a shrimpy dork who thinks hes smarter than them but i dont think im smarter than them i just do the stupid homework. if everyone else JUST DID THE STUPID HOMEWORK they could move up a grade and get pounded on too. is there anymore coffee?" hogarth, iron giant
basically every thing from iron giant
everything from carl barron
but my all time favourite would definately have to be:
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it." Arthur, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the novel.
I could be using all that head space for remembering hsc but no