Reservoir Dogs- Mr Blonde's first appearance in the warehouse
"You gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite."
Saving Private Ryan- The Glider Pilot discussing his landing.
"Well that’s like trying to fly a freight train, gross overload, trim characteristics all shot to hell. I nearly broke both my arms trying to keep her level."
The German prisoner at the Radar installation begging for his life.
"Please, I like America! Fancy schmancy! What a cinch! Go fly a kite! Cat got your tongue! Hill of beans! Betty Boop, what a dish. Betty Grable, nice gams."
The Mechwarrior IV Intro- Watching a bad actor with a terrible overbite, pit his Vulture against two Uziel's, Two Nova Cats and a Chimera.
"Centric Guard, I have contact with main enemy force inside Centeral Courtyard.... I'll delay them here as long as I can." (Around 30 Seconds, all he manages to do is strip a Nova Cat's right arm before his Mech is ashes.)
Band of Brothers- Walking through a forest, Episode 9
Perconte: "Hey, George...doesn't this place remind you of Bastogne?"
Luz (nods): "Sure. I mean, except for I have hot food in my belly, it isn't covered in snow, and the trees aren't FUCKING EXPLODING...yeah, it kinda looks like Bastogne..... Bull, will you hit him for me please."