Most evangelist christians also support zionism thesedays, cause zionism is good unlike islamic extremism. Sounds like you are dirty poor trash Armenian who is jealous of jewish peoples power, wealth and influences in world economy and polictics. No wonder no one knows who the fuck armenians are and 99.9% of the world's population dont know where armenia is. And I hope you are the one who is pressed, hard worked and tormented by those Powerful zionist LOL. There are 11 million armenians in this world with no contribution for the betterment of this world like arabs, no scientific achievements, no statesman, no famous people, no power, poor trash 3rd world country continually opressed by turks, russian, persian and communists. Call me radical for saying this but you cant deny the truth. The only thing you lack is list of those biographies, names and speeches and sources of those Mossad agents, otherwise its typical bullshit pulled outta yer arse.
Considering how you armenians stole lands from Ajerbaijan and forcibly occupied Nagorno-Karabagh Province from Ajerbaijan and in the process killing thousands of Ajeris and making tens of thousands homeless, you better wash those innocent ajeris bloods on your hands before pointing your filthy finger at those Power hungry zionists which you are jealous of.
typical ignorance we've been continually force fed from Hotshot. Look at the map if you know basic map reading knowlege, You will see the main water supply of Israel/Palestine river Jordan flows between West Bank and Jordan. Palestinian actually controlled almost 2/3rd the length of river Jordan.
Israel itself does not have mineral resources, they have plenty of resources such as scientific zeal, willingness to work hard, endurance and desire to succeed which arabs/palestinians are lacking. No wonder Israel blooms and palestine (also Egypt, Lebanon, Syria) glooms.